well i just got an email that said ferdyflyer has noticed that u havent updated ur profile in like 2 weeks so here i am trying to fix that so... ok i have been working and doing school just about a lot! This weekend we are having a uth thing for st. patricks day i dont even know who st. patrick is? haha i know he liked green alot though haha well
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Comments 15
I love St. Patrick's Day! (except when we die in car accidents)
I don't love bacon.
I love making food!
I love seeing movies!
I love green!
I think it must be about time for another visit to Gainesville...
amen to THAT.
Bacon is sooo good. Sometimes I have weird random cravings for bacon. or other forms or meat. I love meat in general.
Its a really sunny day outside. I think you guys should come over and skip!
oh yes. i love the gillands too!
i was like "what does 'nudge a friend' do?" Do I tried it out on you. wahaha
I'm glad you updated. I'm thinking about coloring these old white shoes I have greeen for the party. that is if I go. I should be going.
and we are serving food on sunday!
I love the Coursons!
I am thinking about being creative for the party. Although, every party that I've ever gone to and tried to be creative to win the prize, well I never did. And if you ask me, that's enough to crush a pour childs imagination. ha. We'll see. See ya friday!
You and those FLOWERY Pants...And that RED RED LIPSTICK....HAHAHAHHAAHHAA OH MY GOSH!!!! GOOD TIMES!!! THat party was so amazingly fun, i loved hanging out with you there! You me and rayna were going crazy... "Alli. alli...WHAT ARE WE WEARING!?!? HA HA HAAH!"
Ok, sorry, took a trip to memoryville.
I Love Allison Joanne .
wow "WHAT ARE WE WEARING" that made me laugh really hard inside. oh yes it did.
now i miss you all. alot. alot alot alot.
I love the randomness of your posts. BAAACCCOOOONNN.= superb food item. Also very addicting.
WOAH, you know what i just thought of??? Krispy Kreme doughnuts, (yeah, proabably bacon reminded me of that, you know...both breakfeast foods)
And remember in St.pete, in the Hotel when you and brandon came into our rooms and were like eating all the doughnuts!!? Hahahahaha
Oh man...that was so great...such a good time....i miss that ty!!!
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