A friend linked this to me, and I felt it only appropriate to share:
Help Revoke Tax-Exempt Status of the Mormon Church
As I'm sure most of you know the Mormon church was largely responsible for funding the untruthful, hateful Yes on 8 campaign here in California. If it upsets you that a church can meddle with another state's political statutes, here's something simple you can do.
To report the LDS Mormon Church to the IRS, simply take 5 minutes to print, fill out this form and send to the IRS. You can fill out the form directly in the pdf and print the completed form, follow this link:
http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f3949a.pdf List the Taxpayer as:
Thomas S. Monson, et al
50 East North Temple
Salt Lake City, Utah 84150
List his occupation as President and the business as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Check the boxes for False Exemption and Public/Political Corruption.
Then in the Comments section demand that the LDS Church be fined and their tax-exempt status be revoked for repeated and blatant violations of the IRS's separation of church and state rules, and for conspiring to interfere with a state's political process.
Check YES under "Are books/records available?" and write in "Campaign finance records"
YOU DO NOT have to provide any of your own personal info. Mail the form to:
Internal Revenue Service
Fresno, CA 93888