Vote for at least one of these songs
x. Who are you? The guy whacking off in your tool shed...
x. How are you? Fussy... This quiz is way too long...
x. Where are you? Home, for now...
x. What are you? Fat. Plain and simple.
x. Why are you? The after effects of Miller Light and Waila music on a White woman and a Native man...
x. Your age: Enough.
x. Something that makes you different from everybody else: I have a lazy eye, I've lost a daughter, I'm a crass bastard and an alcoholic.
x. Drug of choice: NY White.
// Do you consider yourself... //
x. Introvert or extrovert: Pervert.
x. Optimist or pessimist: Gloom and doom, aka VERY pessimist.
x. Normal or abnormal: What the fuck are you babbling about, bitch?
x. Good or evil: "I am the Devil... And I'm here to do the devil's work."
x. Rational or intuitive: Intuitive.
x. Sane or insane: Aren't we all a little crazy?
x. Understood or misunderstood: I'm a young adult, popular opinion seems to be that no one understands me...
x. Math person or English person: Chemistry person... You can't blow people up with English...
x. People person or antisocial person: Neither, I hate people... But I love gatherings.
x. Conservative or liberal: Liberal conservative... How's that you ask? Abortion is only right under certain circumstances (i.e. Rape, incest, health reasons) and is not a cosmetic procedure. Gay marrige is fine in my book... Give a hand up, not a handout... I have a strong animosity for the wellfare program in this country, it benifits drug addicts and alcoholics instead of single mothers and the elderly... Government belongs in the hands of the people, not the homes of the people... I am a gun owner... I support the effort in Afghanistan, but I'm apposed to the war in Iraq.
x. Formal or informal: Talk to my Marlboros and combat boots...
x. Winner or loser: Doesn't matter, I'll still kick your ass either way.
x. Fighter or lover: Did you pay attention to the last question?
x. Speaker or listener: First I listen, to examine the intelect of my oponent... Then I tear them limb from limb in a verbal suare of mythical dimensions.
x. Leader or follower: Vigilane...
x. Actor or thinker: I do either one... Depending on the situation.
x. Believer or skeptic: I have my beliefs, and my criticisms...
x. Trusting or cynical: Neither, critical...
x. Rebel or conformist: Aren't we all conformists in one form or another?
x. Well-informed or clueless: Depends on the subject...
x. Focused or absent-minded: Walking on the edge of a razorblade... Focused is an understatement...
// You //
x. What random things make you happy? Ladybugs, chivilry, cigarettes, scraping the strained remains of scene kid off of my docs...
x. What random things piss you off? Extreme liberal asshole treehugging hippe political corect types, the extreme far right Christian conservatives. I can't forget the teenage "rebel" hot topic types...
x. Do people’s spelling errors get on your nerves? Not to often.
x. What’s one thing you can’t stand about yourself? Me.
x. If you could live anywhere in America, where would it be? Olympia, WA... Wait, I'm moving there in September...
x. …Anywhere in the world? Helsinki Finland...
x. Are you afraid of the dark? Physical darkness? No. Spiritual Darkness? Yes.
x. Do you like heights? Yes I do...
x. When playing Truth or Dare, which option do you usually choose? Dare... I'm a slut like that.
x. What was your last obsession? Some nameless cunt who tore my heart out...
x. What’s your favorite book and why? Dan Brown's "Angels and Demons"... It's just really cool like that...
x. What’s something you couldn’t live without? Music, Cigarettes, and Cocaine.
x. ...Wouldn’t want to live without? Faith in the will of the human thought process.
x. Does your physical appearance accurately represent your personality? Wide brimmed black hat, flowing preachers coat, black everything, and a lit fag? I wonder...
x. Are you possessive? Not really... All matereal items can be lost, and regained.
x. Does it bother you if people are possessive of you? Not at all...
x. Do you find that you have bad days after good ones and vice versa, almost as if they balance each other out? Most of my days are bad...
x. Do you have trouble apologizing? If the person I have to apologize to is co-operative, no. If they struggle, they die.
x. Do you ever apologize even when it’s not your fault? Only if it makes them feel better about themselves...
x. What are the 3 worst feelings in the world? Love, Compassion, and Lust... They all beget tragety.
x. …3 best feelings? Love, Compassion, and lust.
x. Have you ever been diagnosed with any psychiatric conditions (personality disorders, etc.)? No.
x. Got any future plans? Mortuary Sciences...
// The Mundane //
x. Who is your family comprised of? I don't consider my mother or her spawn to be "Family"... With exeption to my sister Katie.
x. What are your parents’ names and ages? I consider myself an orphan.
x. ...Siblings’ names and ages? Katie (30)
x. Which of your parents is more annoying and why? I have no parents.
x. Have your parents had a major impact on your life? Only the death of my father...
x. Did your parents ever give you “the sex/drugs” talk? No, I was only threatend with a beating if I did either... But being a masocist... I dived into sex and drugs with the grace of an Olympic high diver... I still haven't come out of it.
x. What’s cool about your room? I wouldn't know... I sleep in the living room.
x. Do you even HAVE a favorite color? Black and green.
x. Do/can you vote? Why/why not? When I wanted to, I couldn't...
x. Do you have your license yet? Why/why not? I have an ID souly for tabaccoo perports...
x. Do you get headaches a lot? No, but heroin withdrawls are another story.
x. What’s the main cause of your headaches? Ehem...
x. Are you on any medication? No...
x. Do you actually use the scroll button on your computer mouse? I am it's bitch...
x. Do you ever eavesdrop? When I see fit, yes.
x. Do you shop at the dollar store? Once in a wile...
x. Do you go to concerts? Yes... I'm the big guy looking out for the smaller girls so they do not get hurt...
x. Are there any scenes in movies that you just can’t watch? I cannot watch Women, children, or animals be harmed... Only men are deserving of such things...
x. Do you ever sit on the roof of your house? All the time.
x. Do you have birthday parties? If you consider spending $200 on cocaine and cigarettes a party? I've had one every paycheck I've gotten in the past four months!
x. Is there one day of the week that always seems to go wrong? Sunday...
x. Do you ever take walks at night alone, or are you afraid to go out at night by yourself? All the time...
x. Do you hang out at malls? I get around... But not to the mall very often.
x. Do you mind being woken up by the phone? Not at all...
x. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done to your appearance? Waxed off my eyebrows... But it was Joey's fucking idea, what a bitch...
x. Would you ever prank call 911? No...
// Abilities //
x. Can you draw? Stupid stuff...
x. Can you write music? Only every other day.
x. Can you dance? Not really.
x. Well, what CAN you do? Kick your fucking teeth out, and have sex with at least 2 of your vital organs before you die when I blow my wad in your mother's mouth... That and play with ladybugs...
x. Don’t you think it’s insane that some people can draw awesome pictures with a computer mouse? No.
x. Do you know military time? Rodger that, Preacher Man over and out...
x. What’s the longest distance you’ve ever run continuously? I don't run.
x. How long can you hold your breath? About 23-25 seconds...
x. Do you know how to French braid? I hate other people's hair...
x. ...What about French kiss? Yes, and I quite enjoy it...
x. How about cooking, do you set anything on fire when you do? I love to cook...
x. Are you better at 2D art like drawing, or 3D art like sculpting? I haven't flexed my sculpting muscle, yet...
x. How many languages can you speak? O'Odham, English, some German, a little Norwiegen, and some Aribic, and pretty good Vitnamise...
x. Do you ever make your own clothes? Sometimes.
// What do you think of... //
x. sXe: I could care less...
x. Alcohol consumption: I can glug 1/2 a bottle of JD and not feel a thing... How the fuck do YOU think I feel about alcohol consumption?
x. Recreational drugs: I prefer to call them "Heartache Go Awayers".
x. Premarital sex: I need some right about now...
x. Hunting: Only out of nessecity
x. Cheerleaders: They give good head, so I don't care...
x. Pain: It's a way of life.
x. Halloween: A good excuse for stupid people to be like me for a day.
x. Christmas: Ok until all the presents are open... Then the arguing and drinking starts...
x. Valentine’s Day: A good day for a GWAR show... "I HATE LOVESONGS!"
x. Life: A true test of one's metal...
x. Reality TV: I don't watch TV...
x. The person you last talked to (no need to include identity): She was a bitch to me.
x. Labels/subcultures: Useless... Hot Topic, buddy... Get a life...
x. Swearing: Useful to get a point across... But don't be a dumb nigger and slaughter the language...
x. Using public bathrooms: Strictly for a piss only.
x. Police: Fun to piss of at large protests...
// Today //
x. Did you have trouble waking up? No...
x. Did today’s weather match your mood? I didn't go outside today...
x. What’s one thing that annoyed you today? I'm out of smokes, blow, and money.
x. What did you daydream about today? Nada.
x. Who did you spend the most time with today? The TV...
x. Did you do anything today you’d never done before? Smacked my bro with an ice cube tray.
x. Did you do anything today that you already regret? I don't regret.
x. What was the best part of your day? I didn't have one.
x. If you knew that today was the best day of your life, would you kill yourself? No, suicide os for the weak, feble, and foolish...
// Music //
x. How often do you listen to music? Everyday.
x. Do you like music for the lyrics or the tune? They both play a part.
x. Do you like foreign music? Yeah...
x. Do you associate music with what was happening when you first heard it? Sometimes.
x. Is there any music you can’t listen to because it reminds you of the past? Some... But not a lot.
x. How about music that you only like because it brings back memories? That is the only reason I have any King Diamond CDs in my colection...
x. What song describes your life? Bob Segar "Turn the Page", Rammstein "Amour"
x. What song describes how you feel today? The Police- "King of Pain"
x. Is there any kind of music you can’t stand? Most mainstream music...
x. What song/band are you currently addicted to? Demons and Wizzards... I'm a nerd.
x. What song do you get all excited about when it comes on the radio? Nightwish... I'm still waiting for them to play it on American radio... They play it on the mexican radio, though...
// Internet //
x. Is your LJ friends only? Why/why not? No, I feel freinds only is kinda cowardly, and if you can't take the heat of others, get the fuck off of the internet...
x. What’s one thing other LJ-ers do that gets on your nerves? Lack of punctuation.
x. Are you addicted to the internet? Somtimes it's the only thing I have to do...
x. Does the internet bore you? It can...
x. What’s your favorite kind of survey? Any that stimulates me...
x. Do you ever take surveys several times over just because you have nothing else to do? No
x. Would you rather watch TV for 10 hours straight or be online for 10 hours straight? Neither... I would fall asleep.
x. Have you ever had a dream in which you’re on IM, writing email, that sort of thing? No...
// My Chemical Romance //
x. What’s your advice on love? Avoid at all costs...
x. At this point, would you be able to fall “in love”? No, I won't allow myself to be...
x. Do you even know the difference between love, like, and lust? They've all bitten me in the ass.
x. Do you have to trust someone in order to love them? Not really...
x. How many actual romantic relationships have you been involved in? A few... They all end in tragety...
x. …Do you think this is a normal amount for someone your age? I suppose...
x. Who was the last cute person you saw? What did they look like? I didn't care.
x. Does it get on your nerves when people make out in front of you? No.
x. ...Or do you watch intently?
// The Realm of Unconscious //
x. Are you an insomniac? It's 2:16 AM, you guess...
x. Do you know anyone who dreams in black and white? No.
x. Do your dreams make any amount of sense? From time to time.
x. Do your dreams have to do with your real life, or are they completely random? Depends on diferent things...
x. What do you tend to dream/have nightmares about? Falling in love...
x. Do you ever have clichéd dreams (such as falling, being chased, going to school naked)? I’ve had all three, at once...
x. Do you ever have recurring dreams? No.
x. Do you have any sleep disorders (sleepwalking, etc.)? I can talk in my sleep.
x. Have you ever dreamed something that later came true? No.
x. Can you remember the last time you slept? Last night.
x. What was your last dream about? I don't remember.
// You vs. Society //
x. How old is your oldest friend? 82
x. …Youngest? 2
x. Overall, do your friends tend to be older or younger than you? Age is not a factor.
x. To you, what makes someone a moron? Being an idiot.
x. What makes someone a really cool, admirable human being? Having a brain.
x. Do you know anyone with AIDS/HIV? No.
x. …Cancer? Yes, my father died from cancer...
x. …An STD? No.
x. …A drug addiction? Aside from me, just a few.
x. Do you act different around different people? I just act like me.
x. How do people usually react to you? Plesant supprise...
x. What question are you asked more than any other? Are you goth?
x. What comment do you get most often from people? "You're too smart"
x. Do people stare at you? Mostly because of the lazy eye...
x. How often do people come to you for advice? No...
x. When’s the last time you went to a party, anyway? Not long enough ago...
x. Do you repay favors with money or with returned favors? A wonderful $25
x. What’s one thing (yes, just one) you can’t stand about people? Their stupid thought process.
x. Does it get on your nerves when people assume things about you? Eh, doesn't bug me any more.
x. What’s one thing people commonly misunderstand about you? I'm not a satanic, goth, Hot Topic Wanna be...
x. Do you like talking on the phone? Depends on who I'm talking to...
x. What’s your favorite form of communication? Speech.
x. What kinds of people do you tend to get along with? The intilectualy gifted.
x. Do you find that most of your friends are a certain ethnicity, social class, subculture, etc.? Yeah, you're probobly not ritch...
x. Do you consider yourself goth/prep/emo/whatever? I don't want a label... But if I had to pic, goth.
x. Would you get offended if someone called you a goth/prep/emo/whatever? Not at all...
x. How often do people call you a bitch? I'm an asshole...
x. But who’s really more of a bitch-yourself or other people? I'm the biggest of all the assholes I know...
x. Do you believe in yourself or other people more? I believe what I believe...
x. What’s more accurate, what others think of you or what you think of yourself? I really don't know... But I hate me...
x. Would you have more trouble committing homicide or suicide? Suicide... I would only have trouble with homicide if I had to kill women and children...
x. Have you ever made a quick, negative judgment about somebody only to unexpectedly become good friends with them later on? Many times...
x. ...On the contrary, have you ever made a quick, positive judgment about somebody only to later on find out that they’re an asshole? Ditto...
// Past //
x. What’s your first memory? I don't have one.
x. Do you remember who you were friends with in 1st grade? I didn't have a real freind until I was a Freshman in High School...
x. How old were you when you learned to tie your shoelaces? 4
x. What was your favorite year of school? Sophmore year... I wasn't a drug addict yet...
x. …Least favorite? 3-7th... I didn't do the 8th grade thing... I went on through.
x. Did you ever go to summer camp? If so, did you like it? Yes, yes...
x. Did you used to play with the neighbor kids? All the time before I moved to Tucson...
x. Did you ever play with a piñata? Yes...
x. …Pin the tail on the donkey? Yes...
x. Were you ever a teacher’s pet? A few times.
x. Did you ever have a class pet (like a hamster)? Nothing comes to mind.
x. Did you ever used to love Star Wars, Star Trek, or other cult-geeky things? RHPS...
x. Did you have a best friend during most of your childhood? No.
x. Did you have a favorite stuffed animal when you were a kid? Shash the Panda
x. When you were little, did you get really mad when you lost board games? Never had someone to play with.
x. At what age did you stop considering yourself a child? 8
x. Did you have a happy childhood? I don't remember.
x. Do you ever miss your childhood? no...
x. How many funerals have you attended? Too many.
x. …Weddings? A few.
x. …Birthday parties? A few.
x. How many imaginary friends have you had? None.
x. How many schools have you attended? 4
x. Didn’t you just hate gym class? I failed gym miserably.
x. What’s the most disgusting thing you’ve ever eaten? My ex-GF's pussy...
x. What’s the most disgusting thing you’ve ever done? Too many things to name...
x. Tell a random memory, anything: I'd rather not share.
x. What’s the closest you’ve ever come to suicide? After my daughter died, I tried to OD on heroin... it didn't work out...
x. Do you have more physical or emotional scars? Both...
// Beliefs //
x. What do you value above all else? Persistance...
x. What religion do you consider yourself, and how did you come to believe this? The house of god is found within the soul of man... I'm my own religion.
x. President Bush: charismatic leader or moron? Worst I've seen in a wile.
x. Do you like life? I make due...
x. Where is your soul? Don't have one...
x. Your heart is: I don't have one.
x. Under what conditions do you believe in revenge? When logic fails.
x. Do you believe people are good at heart? No.
x. Do you think suicide is weak? Very.
x. Do you consider yourself an adult? Child? In between? I feel 46...
x. Are you opinionated? Very.
x. …What are you most opinionated about? Everything.
x. Is there hope for the future? Not if we keep living this way.
x. Do you wish your future was more planned out? From time to time.
x. What’s one of your major internal conflicts? Love and hate, good and evil...
x. What do you live for? I really don't know.
x. What’s the best part of your day? Knowing I've done something right in my eyes.
x. What’s your biggest disappointment about life? Me.
x. Do you like night or day better? Darkness... I hate the sun.
x. What do you relate to more, darkness or light? Twilight.
x. Do you enjoy breaking rules? Depends on the rule.
x. What’s the loneliest place in the world? The world itself is lonely.
x. Is downloading music stealing? No.
x. Do you think it’s right that people have to swear on the Bible in court even if they aren’t Christian? I don't care.
x. Do you find that you just don’t give a shit? Yeah…like right now.
// Have you ever… //
x. …Had someone close to you die? Who? Yes, my father, my grandfather, my freind Ross, my brother Darrell, and my daughter.
x. …Gotten in trouble for making a sarcastic comment that people took seriously? Many times...
x. …Done an RPG? I gave up after I got bored... I didn't like it.
x. …Considered joining the army? Never the army, but the Marines once in a wile.
x. …Been inside a bathroom meant for the opposite sex? More than once.
x. …Had masochistic tendencies? Yes.
x. …Been so miserable you threw up? No.
x. …Done the self-checkout thing at a grocery store in Spanish, just for the hell of it? No, that's fucking stupid.
I'm going to go to bed now...