Title: Nino’s Birthday Celebrations in Five Takes
Pairing: Arashi/Nino
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 764
Notes: I'm so late to Nino's birthday party >.< I also still haven't quite gotten my head together. I have graduated, but things back on the homestead are a little ... well ... insane. Joyful family issues and all. Hopefully things will resume a steady flow soon, and I'll get back to updating everything again.
Jun is always the quickest of the other Arashi members to mail Nino on his birthday. Nino’s theory is that the younger man sits with his phone in hand until 12:00 midnight, thumb poised over the keypad to start typing. He thinks it’s a theory well supported, considering the time stamps on the mails are always between 12:01 and 12:10.
Jun rolls his eyes when Nino expounds on this theory, because Nino is flat on his back and tied to the headboard and should really be thinking about other things. Better yet, he shouldn’t be thinking at all. Jun tells Nino that Nino is crazy, and draws him in for a rough kiss full of teeth and tasting of wine.
Aiba, conversely, never mails Nino on time. Eight years, and if Aiba is being particularly good, he’ll mail Nino the next day. Recently Aiba has taken to protesting loudly that he is the first person to look Nino in the eye and tell him happy birthday in person, so it shouldn’t matter that he doesn’t mail. Nino laughs when Aiba says this, and leads Aiba - still protesting his case - all the way to their dressing room.
When they get there, he closes the door behind them and reaches up to press his lips to Aiba’s.
It’s a good tactic. Not only does Aiba stop protesting, but Nino gets cake, dinner, and more kisses that evening.
Sho is organized, smart, kind, and at the moment, gimpy.
After having his heart stopped during the older man’s fall and spending hours chewing on his already bitten down nails in the hospital, Nino has relaxed enough to start teasing Sho about it - much to Sho’s chagrin. He puts up with the teasing with a smile, though, because Nino’s face was sheet white that morning, a look that Sho has only seen on Nino once before.
When it comes time for Nino’s birthday, Sho’s hand is only bandaged, and though he can’t take Nino dancing, he can take Nino to dinner, and bring Nino back to his house and to his bed. Nino is obliging, stripping Sho gently and holding the bandaged wrist carefully still as he rides Sho and Sho can only whine for him to move faster.
Nino takes his time, dragging it out until he himself needs to orgasm or explode.
It’s his birthday, after all.
Ohno, Nino is sure, has never gotten him a birthday present in the sense of buying him something. Instead, Nino’s wall at home holds eight framed birthday drawings that he has received in lieu of a box from a store. He doesn’t mind in the least. He treasures each drawing, because they have been made for him, and only for him, and because they’re from Ohno.
It helps that Ohno always comes over to his house to deliver each drawing.
Ohno coming to his house means that Nino is assured a night of sex dice, fuzzy handcuffs, and bags under his eyes the next morning, and it’s always worth it.
Even after the ringing in his ears stops, Nino’s eyes are still wet and the others are politely not making comments about it. Nino has celebrated his birthday with co-stars, with sempai and kouhai, with friends and family over phones because he was in another city. He has searched for his name on the internet and found people overseas wishing him a happy birthday they don’t think he’ll ever see.
He has never celebrated his birthday on stage, listening to a crowd of strangers sing to him as a giant cake is presented to him. (He’s never had Ohno actively attempt to kiss him on stage - twice - either, but that’s something else entirely.)
The cake is waiting for him in the dressing room when they return, and Aiba immediately bounces Nino over to it. Nino only half-heartedly protests the ‘rough treatment’, because Ohno is there right away, taking hold of his hand and twining their fingers, and Jun comes up behind him and slings a lazy arm over his shoulders. Sho ruffles Nino’s hair with his good hand, grinning.
Aiba cuts the cake while they sing happy birthday horribly out of key and Nino pretends to hide in Ohno’s shirt. The first piece is presented to him and he takes a bite, and the next bite goes to Ohno even though Aiba’s already cutting his piece. Jun laughs and Nino smears some on his cheek. Before Jun can even think to sputter, Sho licks it away, and Nino giggles, thinking that if he never celebrated again, this would be okay.