It's okay. I kind of...forgot to mention might have seen me anyway, did you go to the artist alley? My table was "Ichi P!" (sometimes read as ichip by people ^^;;) We had obnoxiously bright colors and we did dances for people upon request :D
We were selling a bunch of stuff, like cell charms, prints, buttons, stickers, etc. We had an Inuyasha and Haruhi banner on each side of our setup, with a blue tablecloth and red cloth on the sides. We were all the way near the back, in section G if you remember section names. Hmm....something you'd remember....I was selling FMA prints, one with Ed and his red cloak, and one with him and Al holding the Philosopher's Stone.
Comments 6
Were there any Zukos there? At the con, i mean.
...XD That video was crazy.
Damn it! I have to pay more attention to my flist >>;.
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