==Private to Di Roy==
Umm....you might've read before that there's a concert-like-thing at Gordon's on Friday. Tatsuki can't make it, and I really want to go, but it's really not as much fun going alone. Everything's better in pairs, right? I mean, Noah brought all the animals on the arc in twos! And lots of books have sequels, although most of the classics don't, but I'm not exactly a classic novel. I'm more like romantic comedy, although that's usually a movie genre and not a book genre. Does that make me a movie? Maybe I should go into movie writing....
RIGHT. I was wondering if you'd like to come to the concert with me.
If you don't want to, that's just fine! One is a really fun number too! And it'll probably be really crowded, so it's not like I'd be alone anyway. So if you'd rather study or see a movie or....I don't know, tango? Whatever you want to do is fine! I just thought I'd ask. >.>;;
Oh God, let me melt into the depths of the earth RIGHT NOW.