Title: Rare
Author: Nekocin/tyreling
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Focus: Trowa/Quatre
7rainbowprompts, Red theme set "strawberries", post-EW, G.
lil_1337 Quatre has a fondness for tea as opposed to the drinks he drinks on daily basis (read: coffee). The fragrance of dried leaves and flower extracts calms his mind, tickling his nose. The bitterness behind the brew clears his throat, settling down his rising blood pressure and allows him to go for a satisfied smile after a very stressing day at the office.
Despite the serenity tea drinking offers him, Trowa knows, Quatre usually goes for the caffeine. One cup, two cups, three-within a few hours, Trowa wouldn't be surprised if Quatre has finished the whole jug already on his own. Caffeine keeps him awake, albeit groggy and slightly over-ambitious-Quatre has commented once, guiltily sipping another cup of coffee.
Trowa doesn't blame him at all. The caffeine is addictive after a few tries. He, himself, is an avid caffeine consumer; sometimes fighting with his co-workers, even Quatre, over the last drop of coffee. Sometimes he shares his cup with Quatre only-but those are rare times.
Quatre has tried several methods to ban the addictive use of caffeine, like storing away the company's coffee in an unknown, unreachable place (which Heero and Duo have stumbled upon by accident) to sharing his fondness for tea (which works better when you're called Wufei Chang). Considering the fact not everyone appreciates the bitterness and dry smells, the fruity variety is served-lemon, orange, peach, strawberry and plum-along with a cube of sugar.
So far, he has yet to taste any of the mentioned tastes.
"You should drink it while it's still hot." Quatre gestures to his cup with his right hand, before he lifts the teapot up to pour tea into his own cup.
The sweet fragrance of strawberries tickles his nose as soon as Trowa brings the teacup to his lips for a sip.
"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Quatre has already moved to stand beside him, leaning over his shoulder to take a whiff. He then wraps his fingers around Trowa's, holding the cup in place and guides it to his lips for a taste himself.
The order of the paragraphs is a bit wrong. Sorry about that.
For lil-1337, in response to the coffee addicts amongst the Preventers mention. Ahahaha ^^;;