Sat, 10:00: RT @ melodyMcooper: Good morning, Sleepy Heads. Between the news & the holiday, I was late to it this week, but better late than never. http…
Sun, 21:07: RT @ MindIzMySpear: Hey! I have read some fan fiction that was better than some books. Don’t judge a woman-led literary movement by 50 Shade…
Thu, 21:31: RT @ deray: And I use the word "rage" intentionally. Mike was unarmed. His body lay for 4.5 hours. He was put in the back of a SUV. Yes, rag…
Thu, 21:42: RT @ ChristinaKSDK: The U.S. Delegation just addressed #Ferguson Police before the United Nations & then this group stood up, in protest htt…