(I'm working on catching up!) In your own space, brag about yourself. Tell us what things you've done that you're proud of.
OK. Mostly I write SPN gen fanfic, but I also manage my library's book recommendation blog, and I have been known to paint miniatures and some Supernatural prop weapons. Here are a few recs, and a link to that blog:
-Fanfic: My list is not huge. I like to write canon compliant fic for the most part, and I love to fill in little moments or write from secondary character or outsider POV. I'm not above going for spooky, though I generally haven't reached out and out horror (yet). The stories that I'm the proudest of are the ones which just sort of arrive, or the ones that feel like the character is dictating to me. My favorites?
Ghost Riders. This is a crossover fic between Supernatural and Seanan McGuire's Ghost Roads series, and is a first person POV from McGuire's main character, Rose Marshall. It was just a lot fun to write, and is heavy on the action (or as heavy as I get).
To Thaw Cold Fear. My 2019 Summergen gift, for alyndra, this is a little story about Jack Kline trying to soothe his family's dreams. I'm happy with the visual atmosphere that I think I was able to convey, though the ending is a bit abrupt, and I had to be very conscious of Jack's POV and fairly naive approach to his life and powers. There might be a chapter two lurking about, waiting to be written?
My Father's House. For 2019's Reversebang, inspired by twisted slinky's art. A pre-series fic, about Bobby facing his own ghosts while trying to care for young Sam and Dean. This one was harder to crack, which makes the end result that much sweeter for me.
The Reader's Corner. My library's blogspot site, which I've been managing for several years now. I have a group of 6 staff members currently writing for it, and we've reviewed a nice range of books and movies.
-Painting. I generally only post the fandom related figs and props. Of these, I'm proudest of my
First Blade, which is a resin replica of the weapon used in the show. I painted it for my husband to carry with his Cain cosplay.
What do you think? I'm excited to go to the comments for this challenge on the main page and discover the things that make other creators proud!