Michea's Bio

Aug 03, 2005 18:20


Michea Weichselzopf

Age: looks late 20's

Sex: Male

House: None

Year: N/A

Physical Appearance:

Eyes: Gold

Hair: Lavender

Skin: Light sea green

Height: 6'

Personality: Michea is rather anti-social due to his dislike of humans. He tends to only deal with them when he needs to. The only person he is open with is his sister Melin.

Family: Melin

Interests: Reading, building strange contraptions, writing

Pets: A black cat named Kunoichi

Other: Does not use a wand for his magic. Can change his skin colour to look human

History: Michea was the oldest of ten children. He and his sister were the only two to escape from the halocaust that destroyed his family and race. They traveled together for several years never staying long in one place. After Melin started going to school at Hogwarts Michea bought Fae's Hollow in Hogsmeade and opened up a small shop to sell his creations. He has stayed with Melin keeping his father's promise to keep a watch over her.

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