Who are you? Angela
How long have we known each other? Probably since either 7th or 9th grade
What do you want most in this world? True Love
Do we talk a lot? I talk alot...I don't know about "us"
What is your favorite sport? Judo
Color? Purple
Food? Ice Cream
Ice cream flavor? Rainbow Serbert
Band? Barenaked Ladies
Who is your best friend(s)? Sarah and Tiffany
Who do you laugh the most with? I laugh alot with everyone. The most...Probably when I'm with my ninja cell. You two know who you are.
Have you ever loved and lost? Not lost in Love. Lost someone I loved? Yes
How long did you love? I don't know. You can't measure love in time or amount...
Do you like school? ..like? Yeah, I guess
What is your favorite subject?(lunch doesn't count) Either AP English or Psych...but lots of my friends are in my gov class, and Shakespeare is frikkin awesome.
What year are you going to graduate? 2005
If you could change anything, what would it be? Change Anything? No idea.
If you made up your own little world, what would you name it? Go Away
What pets do you own/want to own? A cat, a dog, and two turtles. I'd trade in the dog for another cat if I could.
What is your ideal vacation? I don't know. Anything in Europe without my parents.
Date? As in guy date? Judo, or a baseball game
Car? Walking
House? A little cabin by a pond in the woods.
How many kids do you want and what would you name them? Like Five. At least three. I'll name my boys Anthony and James, and my girls Siobhan and Michelle. I'll let my husband pick the last one. (Maybe, and with my approval)
What is most appealing about the opposite sex? Love those pecs and abs. Not hairy, good muscles...hehe
Why? Cause that's what makes them hot...
What site do you visit the most? VH
How many times a month do you update your journal/site/whatever? Probably like twice a week.