OK well time to post for this decade,
Times have been interesting, rather fun & mostly AWFULLY BUSY!!
Starting Somewhere near the end of err last month:
24/2: My Birthday Weeee Hooray Hooray to me!! ;)
Now 21.... again .... more than twice :o
And many cocktail drinks were consumed!! >insert sounds of rejoicing<
25/2: Closely followed by a pretty cool Gothic night @ Burn
Well attended & many more drinks were consumed!! >sounds continued here<
Pornographic evidence here
http://www.thecat.za.net/050225/index.htm 26/2: Attempted to go jolling in Umshlanga(Just don't bother it's a hopeless LOST cause)
GOT COMPLETELY WASTED and everything was ok again and the rest of the night was wonderful.
>more merriment was had<
>> fast forward >> to this month >>
4/3: Surprise discovery that Jonny Clegg was playing a once off concert in Durban.
Rushed out pickup up Mom who is uber fan #1 and watched A very cool concert! :)
Cherry on the top for the evening:
Jonny Clegg + Band sat down for coffee @ the table next to us while @ the Hilton Hotel!
(went up said Hello etc & shook his hand for good measure)>wicked<
8/3: REM + Gold circle tickets (Need I say more)
It was FREAKING amazing!!!!!! It rained abit, but not even HAIL could dampen the spirits,
They played all the awesome REM classics + stuff from their new CD
The lighting was wicked!! as with any decent concert(But their Neon tubes ROCK!!)
(alas we did not end up sipping coffee at the table next to Mike Mills & the Crew)
11/3: FullyNuts got Married!! Weee happy happy (must get you your photos soon)
Alas missing the 3PM Wedding ceremony(Work getting in the way as always)
The reception was small but delightful Thanks D & D :) wishing you ALL the best.
>!< Later that evening >!<
OH MY, To all you looser out there who I SPOKE to about this event but FAILED to come anyway!!
!!YOU SUCK!! BIG HAIRY BOLLOCKS.... & if thats what U do anyway, then U suck camels ones!!
This Party IMHO was undoubtably one of the most HAPPENING Sin-Thetik's yet.
Maybe it was the ><>SOUND<>< MAYBE IT WAS THE /*|*\LASERBEAMS/*|*\ Or maybe I just got ~*drunk*~
Anyway is WAS GOOD!!! and you missed it so be at the next one or I'll kick U in the NEUTS!
19-21/3: Got invited to go to a Friends Farm out in Howick with a bunch of Winston/Burn regulars.
It was a very pleasant & relaxing time for the most.....
Many Braai's, Bonfires, Chocolates, Cakes, Egg&Bacon breakfasts & Alcohols were had.
They've got their own Kick ass Waterfall(200-300M)& also saw "The Howick Waterfall" too.
Oh yeah also had really kiff !!HECTIC!! "Balls to the wall" OFF-ROAD ride in a Land Rover!
Anyway it was most definitely an brilliant weekend & the Prefect precursor to SPLASHY FEN!!!
24-28/3: SPLASHY FEN (As I can't see the future you'll have to wait for the next thrilling episode)