I shall be brief, then return to being The_CaT following this interval

Jun 01, 2005 22:18

Ok if you didn't already know,
I've just had the misfortune of going to Joburg for a week for mostly work stuff.

But this alway affords me the opportunity to meet friends and spend money :)
Stayed with Olorin & Supa_Fly for most of the time at their new House out on farm,
It's pretty cool and Quite.... very big.
It needs a bit of work under their own admission as the last ppl let the place go down.
And the road to get there is a bugger, as is Joburg traffic (AGGGGGG tear out hair)
Met up with traumtanzer & her GF, went to the NEW rock shop to check it out,
So yes I have now aquired my 2nd pair of ROCKING New Rocks ;)
Then we went Goth shopping my favorite JHB past time.

Other odd folk I know and fun that was had:
Coffee & Lengthy Elaborate geek conversation was had with Maverick, Olorin & Supa_fly.
Was introduced to an AWESOME board game called ROBO RALLY which was battled out
with Strider, Mordrack, Olorin, Supa, Myself & another whom I forget,
that made for an excellent Pizza & coke evening with The_CaT(newbie) taking home the Gold.
*Bounce* *strut* *polish badge* heheehehe
But oh how I do!!! enjoy Zeplins that place really KICKS ASS!!!
Stayed their until they kick us all out at like 6AM(then failed to sleep until sunday night always fun)
With separate dance floors including EBM, Goth, Retro, + main floor(misc) all under one roof,
If I stayed in PTA I'd quickly join the ranks of Freyer.

Right next trip Cape Town ;) see ja ppl
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