Hi. My name is Theresa. I like to shoot myself in the foot. a;lfhasjfalkjsfsdfahfashfahfd Packing, because I'm supposed to be awake in 2 hours to get ready to drive Kristi to the airport and leave for Orlando from there. I am a flipping idiot.
If you don't get this song, be it a download, an iTunes purchase, or streaming it on Myspace, we can no longer be friends. Seriously. This song is religion.
Loudest Halloween party ever coming from the lounge RIGHT next to my room. A party that I am not attending because I am studying. Juan's going to a party tonight. Is it bad that I resent that? grrrrrjealousygrrrr. If I don't pass my math test tomorrow I have to drop the class. Not really but still.
Good: -FIU has been pretty-fied since I left (Palm trees in front of the dorms woooo!) -I'm moving up to server in a week or two -I will be home in 10 days -My dream house if or sale -I will not be in Miami in January -I have fun roommates.
Bad: -I won't be home for 10 more days -Work -I don't have enough money to buy my dream house. -I miss
Walking out to my car to go to Blockbuster I caught a whiff of cigarrettes and thought of Little Italy. Grr. I just ate my 3rd empanada of the day. I'm so full I want to ralph. Yea, ralph.