ᵔᴥᵔ h e y ᵔᴥᵔ

Jul 06, 2013 08:27

chiki bang bang
chiki bang bang
chiki chiki bang bang

  • 1/5th of my full name is jullien, but i like being called lien. either way is fine.
  • i disturbed earth's peace by crying for the first time on the winter of '97
  • i'm the oldest out of my siblings which automatically makes me bossy.
  • i literally live in the middle of the dessert and i'm buddy buddy with camels.
  • i'm from the philly tho~
  • i harbor a grudge against cats.
♥ at this point i can stop talking but no. uhm i made this lj and my other community just to spew out .... uhm.. what resembles fics .. and surprisingly, people understand them so yay for you. first off, i'm kyungsoo biased or i was kyungsoo biased because junmyeon happened. i doubt people would be interested in me, but i figured this is my lj and this is my post so i might as well say what i want. uh, i like to read, a lot. i devour anything i could get my hands on. i appreciate things like history, fashion, architecture, any other form of art (but sadly, i can't art). also, people with interesting things to say. this is really difficult for me, so if you have any questions, feel free to comment down below :) oh! and if you're too shy you can shoot anonymous, anonymous [here] and [here]

♥ shindong is my spirit animal

♥ hannigram is otp.

♥ if you're not tired of me yet, just.. find me in these places.
twitter // tumblr // listography (in which i list down things i would most likely forget) // instagram

♥ have a good day!~

introduction, personal, friending thing

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