Inflected forms: re·im·bursed, re·im·burs·ing, re·im·burs·es 1. To repay (money spent); refund. 2. To pay back or compensate (another party) for money spent or losses incurred.
2) unrelative is not a word.
Here are some spelling suggestions for "unrelative":
Comments 2
1) i think you meant Reimburse
Inflected forms: re·im·bursed, re·im·burs·ing, re·im·burs·es 1. To repay (money spent); refund. 2. To pay back or compensate (another party) for money spent or losses incurred.
2) unrelative is not a word.
Here are some spelling suggestions for "unrelative":
1 unrelated
2 uncreative
3 relative
4 unrealities
5 unrelieved
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