Fandom: Buffy/Angel
Canon Compliancy: Set in Season 3
Characters: Lorne, Angel, Gunn, Wesley
Rating: G
Genre: Humor
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Not mine; no money.
Written for
open_on_sunday's prompt Camp and posted
“I’m not too sure about this, Lorne.” Angel emerged from his office, tugging at black leather chaps as if to loosen their snugness.
Gunn walked around the Hyperion’s lobby twirling his police baton. “I don’t know - I think I dig being ‘the man’ for a change.”
“Well, I think we could have found a better way to infiltrate Shikar’s organization.” Wesley’s voice grew testy as the construction-worker hardhat slid over his eyes - again.
“Sweetcheeks, you all look fabu,” Lorne gushed, throwing hands wide. “Places … let’s try it again.” He started his portable stereo.
“It’s fun to stay at the YMCA …”