Title: Falling Is Like This | Chapter Three: More Than a Feeling
Author: UbiquitousMixie
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Pairing: Callie/Addison
Word Count: 10,566
Disclaimer: I wish I owned them…*sigh* They belong to Shondaland and ABC Studios…who sometimes don't deserve them. There. I said it.
Spoilers: None, really. Set mid-season 3, after 3x07 where Callie and Addison become friends. We're just gonna pretend that Callie and George stay broken up. Cuz, um, I can.
Summary: Callie and Addison experienced a jaunt in the sex store and shared a naughty movie night. What happens next?
Notes: *Holds up pillow as a shield* Now, I know that some of you are a little irritated that I haven't updated this fic in a year. It's not that I didn't want to. I really, really wanted to. But…I guess I got a little nervous. I also got seriously obsessed with another fandom and stepped out on my love for Caddie. I'm a bad girl, I know. I hope that this chapter makes up for it!
This chapter is dedicated completely to
ellipsisoveruse. If it hadn't been for my burning desire to write about Callie and Addison playing with dildos, I may never have met her! How crazy is that?! As promised, this is an early birthday present for her. Also, special thanks to
dragonwine for being ever so helpful in giving it a brief once-over and kicking my ass into gear when I was hiding under the covers.
All other mistakes are my own. I hope that you all enjoy this final chapter in the Falling is Like This series. Let me know what you think! (seriously guys, comments are love!)
Chapter One, Picking Up Good Vibrations, can be found
Chapter Two, Never Cry Out Loud, can be found
(we can't fight gravity on a planet that insists that love is like falling and falling is like this)