Title: Walking Away
Prompt: A continuation of the Arizona/Callie/Addison "drabbles" from last time...what happens after Addison walks out of that bathroom?
Fandom: Addison/Callie, Arizona/Callie, Grey's Anatomy
Requested by:
iampecolaRating: R
Word Count: 923
Disclaimer: Not mine. Wish they were. Please don't sue.
Author's Note: This was extremely difficult to write, mainly because I had a hard time finding a happy outcome. I also have a hard time writing Addison when she's doing things I don't approve of. After you read this, I'm going to send her to sit in the corner. I hope you enjoy this next section! Let me know what you think.
Because the first few parts are scattered all over the place in different posts, I've included them here (in separate LJ cuts) for your convenience. This way, if you'd like to reread from the beginning or just skip to the final part, you are free to do so :)
Snoopythepooh: Caddie drabble! Addison's reaction to Callie finally being unrejected by arizona, please!
"Can you believe it? The hot Peds surgeon gave me another chance. ME! Guess I'm not a newborn after all, huh? I mean, ha, you would know, right?"
Addison forces a laugh. "Wow. So are you two…"
"Dating. Yea. I have a girlfriend." Callie squeals and Addison has to pull the phone away from her ear.
"Congrats, Cal. I'm happy for you."
"Thanks, Ads. I knew I could count on you. Hey -- listen, I've got to run. I'm going to meet Arizona for Thai food. I'll call you soon, 'kay?"
Before Addison can mumble her way through a goodbye, the line is disconnected. Addison stares at the cell phone and says, "Me? Oh, I'm fine. Just decided to take an impromptu road trip like a prize idiot to confess my undying love like a regular ol' sapphic Romeo. You know, the usual." She rolls her eyes and stares at the brick building in front of her, contemplating kicking it but not wanting to ruin her Prada pumps.
Instead, she tosses the bouquet of roses at an overflowing garbage can. She ducks behind a telephone pole, watching as Callie Torres leaves her apartment on her way to meet her girlfriend.
Title: Prada vs. Heelies
Prompt: Callie introduces the two for the first time. There is tension. Addison is as passive aggressive as ever.
Fandom: Addison/Callie/Arizona, Grey's Anatomy
Requested by: snoopythepooh
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 538
Disclaimer: Not mine. Wish they were. Please don't sue.
Author's Note: This is in the same 'verse as the last Caddie drabble I wrote for snoopythepooh. I hope this is what you're looking for - I can't imagine this meeting going any other way!
"I can't believe you decided to take an impromptu weekend away and assumed you could just crash here," Addison hissed, taking a large swallow of the Jack and Coke she'd made for herself.
"I thought you'd be happy to see me," Callie said, her eyes pleading her best friend for a little leniency. "I didn't think it would be a big deal. I…I thought you'd want to meet Arizona."
Addison refrained from rolling her eyes. "And I can't believe that you're already at that stage of your relationship where you're taking romantic weekends away."
"It's not so much a romantic weekend away as it is just a weekend to let loose, get away from the rain, have some fun. It was Arizona's idea to stop here."
"How nice of her."
"Addison, seriously, what the hell is your problem? What did I do?"
Addison sighed, rubbed her forehead with her palm, and looked at Callie. She just didn't get it. Didn’t have a damn clue. It was too late to set her on the right track, so instead she covered Callie's hand with her own. "I'm sorry. It was just a surprise. I wasn't expecting to meet her so soon. I--I'm sorry."
Callie let out a relieved sigh. "So what do think? Isn't she great?"
At that moment, the bathroom door opened and Arizona all but hopped down the hall, draping herself over Callie's shoulder. Callie snatched her hand away. "I want to hear the answer to this too," Arizona said, smiling brightly. She kissed Callie on the cheek.
Addison wanted to pull her hair. "You seem very nice."
"Well, I try."
"You don't have to try that hard," Callie grinned, kissing Arizona.
"Oookay with the cute couple flirting. At least wait until I leave the room," Addison added with a sneer. She took another large gulp of her drink, the alcohol and jealousy stinging her throat.
"I really hope we can be friends, Addison. Calliope's told me so much about you and it would be so great if we could get to know each other."
"Right," Addison said.
"And you two already have loads in common," Callie offered, "considering your specialties and all."
"I'm like the grown up version of you," Arizona beamed.
"I'd hardly use that phrase to compare our professional specialties." Addison bit her lip to refrain from adding that her Prada pumps could kick her heelies' ass any day.
Arizona looked stung by the sharpness of Addison's response. "Maybe we should just get a hotel. I mean I wouldn't feel right imposing…"
Addison waved her hand dismissively. "You can stay. It's fine."
Arizona beamed, missing the look of apprehension that crossed Callie's face. "It'll be great. It'll be a girl's weekend."
Minus the fact that I'll be a third wheel, Addison thought. "Right." She paused, not looking at Callie. "But I swear, if you wake me up in the middle of the night with your giggling or moaning, I will not be a happy Addison."
"Got it," Arizona said, smiling.
Addison looked at the blonde and then back at Callie, who was looking at her with a mixture of confusion and understanding. Addison felt her cheeks grow warm, drained her glass, and looked away.
Title: Dawning
Prompt: set in the future of this first drabble where either Callie is with Addie (after having left Arizona) or they have (somehow) managed a three-way relationship.
Fandom: Addison/Callie/Arizona, Grey's Anatomy
Requested by: lakela
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 996
Disclaimer: Not mine. Wish they were. Please don't sue.
Author's Note: This doesn't quite follow the request, but hopefully you are still satisfied with the outcome!
Addison propped her generous glass of Riesling on the ledge of the bathtub and turned off the faucet once the water reached an appropriate level. Armed with her razor, she lathered her legs with shaving cream and set to removing the stubble that had accumulated over the past few days.
She began to hum when she could hear the voices drifting from down the hall and attempted to drown them out. It was no luck. She was surrounded. She was in hell.
Why she had ever agreed to allow Callie and her…pediatrician to stay at her apartment was completely beyond her. She'd had a lot of idiotic ideas in her life, but this had been the worst by far. Discovering her dormant feelings for her best friend when it was too late to do anything about it was one thing, but allowing her and her girlfriend to share her accommodations was quite another.
Every aspect of the weekend had been torture. Every shared meal and activity and trip to the beach had dug the knife a little deeper into her gut. The beach excursions, where she was forced to watch the two of them skip around in bathing suits, were an entirely new level of hell that even Addison had not experienced before. Arizona's clinginess, her abundance of cheerfulness, her easy-going, laid back disposition…Addison wanted to pull her hair and kick her in the shins.
She knew they were leaving tomorrow, but also knew that with them left the remnants of a ruined friendship between herself and Callie.
She wanted to like Arizona but she just…couldn't. She was fake. She was too pretty. She was too down-to-earth. Addison resented her. She resented everything she had and she resented Callie for actually lowering herself to the woman's level. Romantic feelings aside, Addison would have never supported Callie prostrating herself in front of a woman who demeaned her and made her feel unworthy. Not her Callie. She would never forgive Arizona for that.
As she sipped her wine, the bathroom door opened and Callie slipped in. "Up for a little company?"
Addison shrugged and returned to her leg. "Where's the Mrs? She's usually attached to your hip."
"Weekly call to her parents."
Addison nodded but said nothing.
Callie closed the lid of the toilet and sat down, propping her legs beside Addison's hip on the ledge of the bathtub. "What's going on with you, Ads?"
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean," Callie replied quietly. Addison couldn't miss the sadness in her voice.
"This is just…too much."
"Why though? Explain it to me. You've made it more than clear that you don't like Arizona and I get that. You don't have to like everyone I've been in a relationship with. But you're my best friend and I expect you to act like it, not hide away in the bathroom shaving your legs when I never get to see you. I'm leaving tomorrow and who knows when I'll see you again."
"I'm not hiding. You two were doing your thing so I gave you space."
Callie sighed. "If I wanted space, I wouldn't have come here in the first place. We could easily have gone to any other city with a beach and a mall. I wanted to come here because I miss you, Addison. I miss my best friend. I don't get what's happened to make you act so differently around me."
"I'm not being different," Addison replied, wiping off the remnants of the shaving cream on her left leg. She lathered the right and propped it up against the wall.
"You are. Ever since Arizona and I…" As Callie's voice trailed off, Addison's face burned. She shaved faster.
The redhead couldn't respond, couldn't acknowledge the fact that her dense best friend may have finally figured it out. She kept up with her shaving and, thanks to her carelessness, was shocked when the razor slipped and sliced her leg. "Fuck!" She hissed, dropping the razor into the tub. She wiped off the rest of the cream and clamped her hand over the cut.
"C'mere," Callie said.
Addison looked over her shoulder; Callie was standing, reaching into the cabinet for a bandaid. She nodded towards the sink and Addison reluctantly stood, wiped her feet on the bathmat, and perched herself on the counter.
"Nicely done," Callie observed as she patted the water and blood away from the cut.
"Thanks." Addison scrunched her nose as Callie placed the bandaid carefully over the wound.
"Good as new." Callie did not back away. She held onto Addison's calf and stepped closer, leaning her chin on Addison's knee. "Talk to me, please."
Addison sighed. She was trapped. She looked at the door and back at Callie. "You're with the wrong girl."
Callie's eyebrows rose and she let go of Addison's leg. "What?"
Addison rolled her eyes. She was sick of hiding. Sick of lying. Sick of denying herself. She dropped her leg from the counter and curled her legs around Callie's waist, pulling her close to the counter. Grabbing Callie's face in her hands, she leaned in.
Callie's lips were soft and Addison's heart raced as she kissed her. Callie's whimper of surprise was more arousing than it should have been and Addison coiled her body tighter around Callie's, kissing her with every bit of pent up passion within her. Callie's arms hung slack by her sides, her lips frozen with shock, and then it all…changed. She kissed back, touched back, pressed her body against Addison's. Addison tangled her fingers in her hair and swept her tongue against Callie's. It was everything she'd imagined it to be. It was bliss.
It was…over. Callie pulled away, her hand covering her mouth. Her eyes were wide and wet.
"I love you, Callie," Addison said. She hopped off the counter. "I'm sorry, but I do." She opened the door and walked down the hall, glaring at a confused Arizona on the way.
Title: Walking Away
Prompt: A continuation of the Arizona/Callie/Addison "drabbles" from last time...what happens after Addison walks out of that bathroom?
Fandom: Addison/Callie, Arizona/Callie, Grey's Anatomy
Requested by:
iampecolaRating: R
Word Count: 923
Disclaimer: Not mine. Wish they were. Please don't sue.
Author's Note: This was extremely difficult to write, mainly because I had a hard time finding a happy outcome. I also have a hard time writing Addison when she's doing things I don't approve of. After you read this, I'm going to send her to sit in the corner. I hope you enjoy this next section! Let me know what you think.
Addison's heart nearly pounded through her chest as she grabbed a Corona out of the fridge and disappeared out the sliding door. She could hear the hushed tone of the pediatrician, but she didn't linger to find out what was being said.
She had done it. She had finally freakin' done it.
Addison never thought that her first kiss with Callie would be in her bathroom, with a bleeding leg, and a significant other in the next room. She sort of expected candles and Barry White and mutual declarations of love.
She felt a little jipped. She should have waited. Wouldn't it have been better to do it when the guilt wouldn't be hanging over their heads?
But, for all of her guilt, she felt pretty damn good. And maybe a little bit terrified.
She had no way of knowing what was going through Callie's mind. What if she had supremely fucked up? Sure, she managed to make a statement by walking away, but what would that really prove? That she was too chicken shit to face the consequences?
She walked towards the surf, seating herself on the sand a few feet away from the shoreline. She sipped her beer and curled her lip. She wasn't much of a beer drinker and found the lingering taste on her tongue pretty unappetizing. She found herself itching to pour out the golden liquid and stuff a letter into the bottle before tossing it into the ocean.
Dear whoever's out there - I hope your heart doesn't hurt as much as mine does.
Littering wasn't much her thing either. Instead, Addison took another sip and listened to the waves as they rolled in, wondering what was happening inside the house. Would Callie tell Arizona that they kissed? Was she upset? Was Arizona going to pick up on it?
Addison wasn't ready to pursue the answers to those questions and remained planted on the beach, burying her toes into the sand.
She wasn't sure how much time had passed when she heard the shuffling of sand behind her. She didn't turn to look to see who was interloping on her space; within a few brief moments, Arizona was sitting beside her, staring at her face. Addison took a lengthy pause before returning the look.
"Something is different," Arizona said, her face even. For all of her cool exterior, Addison noticed a tic in her cheek.
"Oh?" She sipped her beer.
"With Calliope. I could taste it when she kissed me. It tasted like guilt."
"What would Callie have to be guilty about?"
Arizona laughed, though not a trace of humor was infused in the sound. "Evasiveness is a good diversionary tactic. I can't say I blame you…I mean, who wants to own up to something like whatever you did in that bathroom?"
"What makes you think I did something, Arizona?"
"Don't, Addison. No games. It's all over your face. It's obvious how you feel about her. I see it every time you look at her."
Addison said nothing -- what was the point? If it was so obvious, owning up to her feelings or denying them would only prolong this conversation, and she was fairly certain that she wanted it to be over as soon as possible.
"I don't know how she feels about you. She's confused…I can tell. We haven't known each other all that long but I know something is up. While I may not know what that is, because obviously neither of you respect me enough to tell me the truth, what I do know is that I'm not going to let her go so easily, not without a fight."
Addison chuckled. "Let me be frank with you now, Arizona. I will respect that the two of you are in a relationship. I won't stand in the way of that. I will be the perfect friend and I will wait. And when you two break up, and you will, I'll be the one she turns to."
"That's cold."
"That's the truth. You said no games, right? So I'm telling you straight -- you two will never last. You're fun and you're perky and Callie seems to like you for some reason, but you two just aren't meant to be."
"What makes you so sure that she's meant to be with you?"
Addison drained her beer and stood up, brushing the sand gently from her backside. "Because she kissed me back." When she saw the blonde's face begin to crumble, the guilt that she had been ignoring until then began to surface. "I'll stay at Sam's tonight. I'm sorry it had to be this way."
As she headed towards the adjacent house, she cast a glance at her patio, where Callie stood at the sliding door. They looked at each other and almost simultaneously they looked at Arizona. Arizona did not witness this; her back was resolutely facing them.
Addison smiled sadly and headed up the stairs of Sam's patio. Her heart was heavy.
What had she proven by once again walking away? That she was a contender for Callie's heart?
She knew without a doubt that she was not someone who deserved Callie's love. She jumped too late, stole a kiss that wasn't hers to take, and broke the heart of the woman who had done nothing by try to love her.
Addison would wait, but she knew that if Callie chose her in the end, she would never be good enough for her. Perhaps walking away was the only thing left to do.