Title: Faulty Equipment
Prompt: Caddie meets and befriends Otalia
Fandom: Olivia/Natalia, Callie/Addison, Guiding Light/Grey's Anatomy
Requested by:
snoopythepoohRating: PG
Word Count: 1408
Disclaimer: Not mine. Wish they were. Please don't sue.
Author's Note: This prompt was a bit difficult. How I came up with this I have no idea. I blame being doped up on cold meds. I couldn't resist throwing in a little Otalia forehead sex/steamy hand holding -- I probably should have rated this NC17 by GL's standards. Anyway, all mistakes are mine. I hope this isn't terrible! Let me know what you think!
They couldn't have asked for a more beautiful morning to peruse the Farmers Market in San Francisco. Olivia and Natalia took their time, scanning the booths languidly as if they had all morning. They were granted a few hours peace: Ava was with Emma and the baby, and the couple had a few hours during which they could enjoy each other's company uninterrupted.
Olivia felt her heart swell with joy. She'd never been the type to stop and smell the daisies, but as they made their way past a booth toting various wildflowers, she found herself doing just that.
She looked at the woman to her left and grinned so wide her cheeks hurt. She reached out her hand, attempting to slip it into her lover's, and was taken aback when Natalia retracted her hand and looked around them.
"You don't want to hold my hand? I thought we got past this?"
"I do...it's just...it's one thing to hold hands in public in Springfield when we know everyone...but this is a new place and could have a totally different climate towards lesbian couples."
"Natalia, we're in a farmers market in San Francisco. I don't think it gets more gay friendly than this. This city is one of the largest queer meccas in the country!"
"You make it sound like an infestation or something."
Olivia rolled her eyes. "Well, I didn't mean it quite like that. But look around; there are gay people everywhere."
"I'm looking."
"Okay. There's no way that woman working at that squash stall is straight."
"Maybe she just has really short hair. Ever think of that?"
Olivia ignored the comment. "And over there by the flowers, gay couple. Totally."
"Or brothers who dress really well. Face it, Olivia-- you just want everyone to be gay."
"So what if I do?"
"That doesn't mean you have good gaydar. Oh, fresh cilantro!"
"My gaydar is excellent I'll have you know. I knew you were into women before you were."
"You, Olivia. I'm into you."
Olivia waved a dismissive hand. "We are everywhere. You just don't want to hold my hand is what it comes down to."
Natalia rolled her eyes and, after paying for the bundle of herbs, took Olivia's hand in her own. "Happy?"
Olivia nodded and smiled.
"You're as bad as Emma sometimes!"
"She had to learn it somewhere, didn't she?"
"And you're the pro."
"And proud of it, baby."
"I'd better enjoy my time with Francesca before she learns the Olivia Spencer Guide to Subtle Manipulation."
"What makes you think she hasn't already? That 2am cry for milk -- I taught her that."
"Aaah, I see. I'll remember that the next time she's up in the middle of the night and I question whether or not to wake you instead."
"You drive a hard bargain, Ms. Rivera. Perhaps I can wait till Francesca is a few years older before I pass on my wisdom."
"Good id-OH!" It all happened in a flurry of motion: Natalia's foot connected with a loose cucumber and she fell before either of them comprehended what had happened.
"Oh God, honey, are you all right?"
Natalia winced. "Fine…just…ouch!...it twisted."
Olivia shot upright, looking around her as if hoping for a solution to present itself. "I need…uh…where's the closest hospital?" she asked, staring wildly at the woman behind the cucumber stall.
"At least thirty minutes from here," the woman said, frowning as she got a look at Natalia. "But I have a doctor friend -- she was just here a few minutes ago. She might still be around. She can help. Let me just--" The woman whipped out her cell phone. "Cal, it's Syl. I need your help. A woman's fallen in front of my booth…"
Olivia crouched down, taking the bundle of cilantro from Natalia's hands and stuffing it in her purse. "I'm so sorry…I should have been paying attention."
Natalia smiled. "It's my fault for not looking where I was going, not yours."
Olivia groaned sympathetically and leaned her forehead against Natalia's. "I feel like I need a white horse here to whisk you off to the hospital."
"It's nothing serious. Really."
"You're lucky you called when you did," came a voice behind them, "because we were just about to leave." The raven-haired doctor stood beside a tall, leggy redhead and smiled kindly down at them. "What happened?"
"I twisted my ankle," Natalia offered, gesturing dumbly to her swollen foot.
The woman knelt down and looked over the injured appendage. "Looks like you might have sprained it. Let's get you up and out of the way before you get trampled here." She motioned at Olivia, and together the two women hoisted Natalia onto her uninjured foot. The woman behind the stall cleared off a bench behind her work area, and the three hobbled until Natalia was sitting down.
"You should really be more careful about fallen vegetables," Olivia said to the woman, her glare sharp and direct.
"Olivia!" Natalia hissed. She looked horrified.
"What?" Olivia shrugged helplessly. "I just thought she should be aware."
"I think she knows," Natalia responded. She smiled apologetically at the two women. "Sorry. I'm Natalia Rivera. This is Olivia Spencer."
"Callie Torres," said the dark-haired woman. "This is Addison Montgomery."
They greeted each other accordingly and, while Callie slipped off Natalia's sandal, Olivia asked, "You're a doctor?"
"Ortho," Callie replied as she tenderly inspected the ankle. "Addison is a neonatal surgeon."
"Wow," Natalia gasped. "Well, aren't I lucky?"
"You're in very good hands," Addison said with a grin, staring at Callie with wide, caring eyes.
Olivia quietly passed her gaze between the two doctors and suppressed a grin.
"Ads, can you look in my bag for an Ace bandage?" Callie asked.
"You keep Ace bandages in your purse?" Addison replied, looking as though she were about to laugh.
"Always helps to be prepared," Callie replied. She nodded towards her bag where it hung on Addison's arm.
"You don't see me carrying around a speculum, do you?" Addison opened the large purse and rifled through it. "You have too much stuff."
"I do not." Callie turned and began to look in the purse as well, apologizing to Olivia and Natalia when an orange Nerf football fell onto the ground. "It's for…stress."
Olivia nodded before leaning in to Natalia's ear. "They are totally a couple."
Natalia rolled her eyes. "You've got to be kidding me. There's no way."
"There's every way. You watch. They're gay."
"See?" Callie said, holding out a bandage with a triumphant look on her face. "If I hadn't been prepared, we'd be wrapping Natalia's ankle in lettuce."
"I'm eternally grateful," Natalia responded with a laugh. "So is it definitely sprained?"
"It is. It's minor, but you'll want to get some ice on this as soon as you get home. Stay off it if you can, keep it elevated, and keep the bandage on." Callie swept the remnants of the bandage around the ball of Natalia's foot and hooked the closure in place. "Ads, remind me to put a new bandage in my purse when we get home."
Olivia caught Natalia's eye and smirked. "Thank you so much," Olivia said, extending a hand to Callie.
"Not a problem. I'm glad I could help."
"Is there any way I can repay you? I can pay--"
Callie waved an unconcerned hand. "Completely unnecessary."
"She's superwoman, you know," Addison added, adjusting the two purses she was holding before sliding her hand into Callie's. Olivia suppressed a smirk.
"You kicked my white horse's ass," Olivia offered.
"You're still my knight in shining armor," Natalia said, using Olivia's arm to pull herself upright. She took Olivia's hand.
"Are you all set?" Callie asked, her eyes flicking swiftly to their conjoined hands.
"I think we are," Olivia replied. She gave Natalia's hand a squeeze. "It was nice to meet you both."
Callie and Addison offered their goodbyes before heading out from behind the stall and disappearing into the crowd. Olivia looked at Natalia with a raised eyebrow.
"Okay okay, you win. You were right. My gaydar equipment must be faulty. Must you make the invalid feel even worse?"
"Awe," Olivia smirked, kissing Natalia's knuckles. "How about I make it up to you once we get back to Ava's?"
Natalia pursed her lip in thought. "I can think of a few ways you might be able to do that."
Olivia grinned. "Let's not waste any more time then."