Title: All You Need Is Love
Fandom: The Red Queen, Alice in Wonderland
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 534
Warning: This contains references to incestuous feelings for a sibling. If that sort of thing weirds you out, don’t read it.
Spoilers: References to the end of the film.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Wish they were. Please don't sue.
Author's Note: I tend to favor the evil/villainous/misunderstood characters in movies, so it was only natural that I would cling so quickly to the Red Queen. I’ve only seen the movie once, so forgive me if my characterization seems off. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Enjoy!
All Iracebeth had ever wanted was to be loved.
No, that wasn’t quite right, for she was loved. She was cherished by her parents and adored by her younger sister. She’d known love but somehow, it wasn’t enough.
It was simple, really. The love Iracebeth knew was not the kind of love she wanted.
What she really, truly wanted was to experience love in all of its most exquisite, frenzied forms. She wanted intense love and passionate love, and she wanted to be loved more than anyone else.
She could never understand why that was too much to ask.
Iracebeth was never satisfied with the devotion of her friends (though they were few and far between) or the interest of her lovers (equally few and far between).
Her parents never loved her enough.
And worst of all, her sister, beautiful, sweet Mirana, never loved her in the ways that Iracebeth truly wanted. Those pretty little doe eyes never harbored the same flickers of desire and her touch was never more than a properly innocent caress.
Love became her obsession. It became something to control, to collect. It became less and less about emotion and more and more about the idea of love. Her heart shrank and her head, unsurprisingly, began to swell under the weight of her obsessive need to desire and be desired, love and be loved. The effect was regrettably irreversible, for Iracebeth would never know the type of love that had consumed her fantasies for the entirety of her life. It did not exist; it was the type of love that destroyed, that hypnotized, that replaced healthy human emotion.
And oh how she wanted it to exist.
She surrounded herself with the quaint little symbol of love. She bathed herself in the colors of love. She deluded herself into believing that she was loved by her people. She spoke of love as if she understood what it felt like. She debated the power of being loved versus being feared, and almost believed that being feared was worth the love she hoped would come afterwards.
Iracebeth knew her quest for love had ended when she’d been banished. Her sister, beautiful, sweet Mirana, had rejected the love that Iracebeth desperately wished to give her, and sent her away. She banished her to spend the rest of her life with a man who’d only feigned love, who’d manipulated her with her own obsession, and who’d hated the idea of living in such close proximity to her.
She wondered if Stayne could have learned to love her. It was a shame she had killed him; he’d been her last chance.
She supposed it didn’t really matter in the end. He would have disappointed her, just like all of the others. If the person whose love she truly coveted would never be given, what was the point of pretending anything else could compare?
Iracebeth loved herself enough to know that she could handle eternal banishment on her own. With the weight of her enormous obsession, Iracebeth would live in her fantasy world and pretend that she had the love of her sister, beautiful, sweet Mirana, and would trick herself into believing that it was enough.