Title: The Games We Play
Author: UbiquitousMixie
Prompt: Miranda has to attend a party where she must play charades. Emily, Andrea and Nigel are tasked to teach her to win and win big. Pandemonium ensues.
Fandom: Miranda/Andy, The Devil Wears Prada
Requested by:
tuathadedanaaRating: NC17
Word Count: 17446
Disclaimer: Not mine. Wish they were. Please don't sue.
Author's Note: This was written for a challenge for
The Janeway/Seven Faction Forum, a site that hosts a multitude of Star Trek and Devil Wears Prada goodies. Special thanks to
dragonwine for being an impeccable beta and for keeping me focused on staying true to the story. Finally, special thanks to The Carol Burnett Show for teaching me how to play charades in the first place! Let me know what you think! (link takes you to a Google Doc). Comments are love.