Title: Before We Turn To Stone
Summary: The progression of love between a maid and her mistress.
Fandom: Lady Dedlock/Rosa, Bleak House
Requested by:
kitnkabootleRating: NC17
Word Count: 20K
Disclaimer: Not mine. Wish they were. Please don't sue.
Author's Note: This story is my baby. I really was terrified to receive this prompt because, well, it’s a little daunting, isn’t it? I put extensive effort into this - reading through the book (I’m sorry, Dickens, I still don’t like you, even if your characters are totally gay for each other) and rewatching the miniseries a few dozen times (SUCH a pain having to look at Gillian Anderson so much). This story was my therapy, my escape, and one of my most rewarding writing challenges. Thank you,
dragonwine , for your supportive criticism and beta efforts. I heartily appreciate your assistance!
This is for you, my dear friend
kitnkabootle . I hope you enjoy it! Happy Birthday!
(....................) Alternative link (if the above is not working) And, to accompany the story, i put together a music mix (as well as graphic times...)
Before We Turn to Stone Fan Mix