Wish Right Now | PG | Star Trek: The Original Series

Jan 26, 2011 23:26

Title: Wish Right Now
Prompt: wish right now
Challenge: Trek Femslash Comment Ficathon
Fandom: Chapel/Uhura, Star Trek: The Original Series
Requested by: eviinsanemonkey
Rating: PG
Word Count: 508
Disclaimer: Not mine. Wish they were. Please don't sue.
Author's Note: I get a little bored sometimes with all of the testosterone running rampant on TOS, and this is what came of it. I’ve never written for this fandom before, so I hope I managed to do all right! Comments are love.


Christine Chapel stepped off the turbolift, nodding to the security officer in acknowledgment as she bemusedly watched Uhura strain to sort through the static-clogged frequencies being transmitted from the planet below. She knew as well as any officer that the lack of communication from the captain’s away team meant that all was going according to plan or, conversely, that they had once more attracted trouble, but Nurse Chapel was optimistic. She’d received the tissue sample that Dr. McCoy had transported aboard and, after running cursory scans on its bimolecular structure, concluded that the substance was not toxic after all.

She reported her findings to the officer in charge and, once he had returned to his data scans and she was presumably dismissed, she walked to Uhura’s station, unsurprised that the officer had yet to realize that she was on the bridge. So absorbed was she in listening for traces of audio hails that she jumped when Christine gently touched her shoulder.

“I wish you wouldn’t do that,” Uhura said, playfully elbowing the nurse’s hip.

“I couldn’t help myself. You’re lovely when you’re concentrating.”

Uhura smirked, flicking her eyes over the other woman’s face. “I know. So are you.”

“It’s been a long time since you’ve been to see me in sickbay.” Christine leaned against the workstation, enjoying the way Uhura’s eyes followed the curves of her body as she moved.

“Unfortunately for you, I’m not as prone to accidents as the rest of the bridge crew.”

“Let’s keep it that way. I think I’d prefer to have you in one piece when your duty shifts end.”

Uhura blushed. “And why is that?”

Christine cast her eyes across the bridge, noting that everyone was absorbed in their work. Not wanting to be overheard, she leaned into Uhura’s ear and dropped her husky voice to a whisper. “You know I hate to eat alone.” She smirked when Uhura shifted in her chair.

“And sleep alone, and shower alone, and-“

Christine flicked her finger against the other woman’s lime green hoop earring. “Will you have dinner with me tonight?”

Uhura nodded, pressing her finger absently against a blinking yellow button. Christine knew that likely meant a transmission was incoming. “I wish we were alone right now.”


With a devilish grin, Christine whispered into her lover’s ear exactly what she’d do if the bridge were deserted, chuckling when the crimson flush of Uhura’s cheeks deepened.

“You’re horrible,” Uhura mumbled, twisting one of several knobs.

“Am I?”

Uhura glared. “I won’t be able to look at the helm anymore without blushing.” Her eyes focused on Christine’s mouth and she unconsciously licked her lips. “Just you wait-“ She paused and then straightened her shoulders. “Sir, we are being hailed.”

Christine smiled at Uhura’s apologetic frown and headed for the turbolift, waiting for the door to quietly hiss open. She stole a final glance at her lover and grinned, knowing her words would linger in her ears for the remainder of her shift. She wished for the hours to pass by quickly.


fic: wish right now, fandom: star trek the original series, fan fiction, rating: pg

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