Title: "Cutting Through the Thunder", or "The Royal Battle (Over Ororo Munroe)"
Author: Pirate Turner
Rating: PG
Warnings: Drabble, Het
Word Count: 400
Date Written: 7 June, 2012
Challenge: For a Marvelites100 LJ comm's weekly challenge
Disclaimer: Logan/Wolverine, Ororo "Storm" Munroe, this version of Thor, Avengers, X-Men, and all other characters within are © & TM Disney and Marvel comics, neither of whom are the author. Everything else is © & TM the author. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.
"A Goddess such as yourself should not be with a puny mortal. Come with me, Ororo, and we shall rule thunder together."
"Keep your Mjolnir in your pants, Thor," Storm returned, barely casting the Thunder God a glance as she surveyed the wreckage before them. Only men would think of sex at a time like this, when worlds had clashed and Mother Earth was dying!
"Th' lady's with me, bub," Wolverine cut in, his claws unsheathing. He didn't want to start a fight between his two teams, especially not now, but Thor was cruising for a bruising and he'd had about all he was going to take.
"Wolverine, you are a fine warrior and would make many mortal women proud with your consorting, but the lady Storm deserves a warrior and God befitting of her station. She deserves to know why Thor is truly mighty."
Laughter reigned around them, including a half-snort, half-chuckle barking from Logan's throat. Wolverine shook his head, however, as his laughter died. There was nothing funny about another man persistently hitting on his woman! "Ya ain't th' only mighty one on this ship, bub, an' I'm gonna show ya why I'm the best there is at what I do, rather it's slicing Gods like yerself down to size or lovin' women!"
Storm sighed and rolled her blue eyes as Wolverine attacked Thor and began to cut him to a bleeding pulp behind her. The ship shook with thunder. Ororo looked up as Jean laid her hand over hers. Ororo gazed into the eyes of her best friend, who, of all the X-Women, was most acquainted with men fighting over her. "Does it ever get any better?"
"It gets funnier." Jean smiled.
"Now is not the time for comedy," Ororo replied. Turning to the men, she raised her hands, and the wind raised with them, ripping them apart. She silenced Thor's thunder and banished his lightning before it could hit Logan. "Enough, the both of you! Thor, I am with Wolverine, because I choose to be, and any woman, especially a Goddess, has the right and pleasure to be with the one she chooses! Now, the both of you, stop acting like children, and let's save the world!"
"Again." Bobby giggled, but his joke earned him a glance from all the women on board. He instantly hushed and slid behind Hank for the rest of the battle.
The End