Hey dude! That's exciting! It really depends on where you want to go and how much making money matters. :) I know teaching is Asia is a lot easier and financially beneficial than in Europe, and I think Mat has a good contact if you're interested in Korea. Most places in Asia will pay for your plane tickets and housing, and you'll make at least a couple thousand dollars a month, but you'll probably have to sign a year contract. As far as Europe goes, Czech Republic (specifically Prague) is probably the easiest place to start with no experience, and Spain and Italy are probably the hardest. I've heard it's possible to get jobs in Spain and Italy, but you have to show up and find the right person at the right time. Most Western European countries want E.U. citizens (aka Brits), but schools in Prague don't seem to care much. I work for Caledonian school, and I don't love it, but it's not bad. They take decent care of their teachers, and help with the visa process. They'll hire anyone with a B.A. and a generic TEFL. You can also get a TEFL
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