Back from the cape... More on my adventures there later. but for now... POTTER!
So, a long long time ago, (as in, before OotP)I had started a really big fic called
Charlie Weasley & the Marauders' Map. Anyway, it was too big and I was unhappy with it, so I never got much of it written. Then OotP came out and ruined a lot of my plot. So I discarded it, and gradually faded from fandom. But, I just read Half-Blood Prince, and am filled with the urge to fic! specifically, I'm drawn to a subplot of that story that was about werewolves and assorted hangers-on, due to all the werewolf stuff in HBP (Like fenrir). It's been changed a lot though... I first posted characters for that subplot a long while ago...
Here Then the plot changed, although I never wrote it down completely, but I used a character from it in a Beauxbatons RP i was in online, and through that I changed the plot to be close to what it shall be soon. Mostly, the story became more about this group called "the Midnight Widows" who were wives of werewolves, but also hunted other werewolves... (the rp character was the son on one of these people) It also had a lot about "werewolf pups", but i can't find the post I made here about it. Anyway, there's very little similarity to the original one, but quite a few things were similar to what actually happened in HBP! if I'd combined the characters of Roman and Samson DeRiguer that were mentioned in that post i'd end up with Fenrir Greyback (werewolf who made Remus and specializes in biting young children that also enjoys mutilating while in human form) and also, the main "werewolf pup" in the story was named "Fenris" (after the lead wolf in "the lion the witch and the wardrobe", which is a derrivation of Fenrir: a norse (i think?) mythological being.
Anyway, the whole "Marrying werewolves" theme jumped into place... so now I'm using the base elements of that plot to make a Wotcher Wolvie fic. *g*
I've no idea if any of that made sense, but i'll probably do a better summation some other time, this is mostly to remind me where i posted the old parts of the story.
Also, I am aware that the posts above are pretty cruddy storytelling... but eh, i was foolish.
so If anyone wants to Beta for me... ? i would be very much obliged
also, anyone who has finished reading HBP... we must congregate on AIM and discuss, cause i'm going crazy!