The Mother of all Surveys
Your Stats
Name; Christopher
Nicknames; P Duddy + Dee
Sun Sign (Zodiac); Libra
Birthplace; Glasgow
Where are you now?; who knows
Your Parents' names; Margaret and Brian
Siblings?; Michael
Their ages?; 20
Your age?; 18
What age do you act?; 13
Shoe Size; 10
Height; 5'10
Eye Color; blue
Hair Color; brown
School; Cardonald College
Elementary (Primary); Our Lady of the Missions
Did you have a lot of friends?; yea
What games did you play at recess?; I played football when allowed and played games like predator and fugitive which were fun......oh and blue murder was h4rdkore
What was your favorite class?; None
What was your School Bus number?; 1 as always
Where you a "packer"?; wtf is that? fudgepacker? no i am straight
Do you remember taking floride pills?; huh? no O.o
Where did you go on field trips?; Bannockburn and Stirling Castle is all i remember
High School (Secondary): St Ninians High School
Were you popular? High School? No. For most of it I used to shout abuse and throw stuff at people with my friends and the last year i was never there really and I hated everyone as much as they hated me
What was your mascot? We were a catholic school so i guess it has to be the Pope or Jesus or St Ninian O_o
Did you play any sports? Yea football and rugby
Were you in band? Uh i was in a band at one point
What were you? (Prep, Goth, Skater, etc.) Skater in the early days
What was your favorite class? em RE
What was your most embarrassing moment in High School? Didnt really have one
What was your greatest achievement in High School? I cant remember her name...kidding XD
Were you a bully? Kinda
Did you ever get detention? A lot
Did you ever get suspended? Nope
Were you ever expelled? No. My two best friends did though
Did you graduate? Yea
What percentage of your class were you in? Huh?
Do you.....?
Smoke; No
Drink; Yea sometimes
Do Drugs; No
Pick your nose; No
Wear underwear; Yes
Own a car; no
Own a house; no
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend; yes
Play an instrument; Kind of
Cook well; no
Speak foriegn languages; no
Exercise regularly; no
Eat meat; Yea
Eat vegetables; Yea some
Drink milk; yes
Drink soda; yes
Drink water; yes
Eat candy; yes
Have a job; no
Like your job;
Want to have children; Yea if the circumstances are right
Want to get married; Yes
Keep in touch with old friends; Not as much as I should
Black or White? for what? both
Coke or Pepsi? both
Chocolate or Vanilla? uh vanilla O.o
Left or Right (handed)? Right
Paper or Plastic? i dont know
Cats or Dogs? Dogs
Chicken or Fish? chicken
McDonalds or Burger King? neither
Yes or No? YES
Big or Small? thats a rather personal question
Short or Tall? Tall
Your favorite....
Song; Right now its Because I want you too by Placebo
Band; too long to list
Movie; too many
Actor; Ahhh Edward Norton is one of them allong with Jake Gylenhaal and Michael Caine
Actress; Natalie Portman
Book; Cant choose
Website; Ytmnd
Food; Chinese food and pizza
Place to visit; ugh x.x
Place to be; Tatooine
Article of Clothing; Boxers
Animal; Monkeys and dogs
Candy; cookies
Word; Fuck
Phrase; Fuck you
Store; topman
Car; mercs
Sport; football
Team; Celtic
Fictional Character; The Dude, Jules or Tyler Durten
TV Show; My name is Earl
Director; Too many
Author; dunno
Memory; .....saving the world?
The worst....
Song; Crazy frog song
Band; McFly and Sons of Dork get on my nerves a lot
Movie; uuuuuuh Resident Evil was awful
Book; hmm dunno
Actor; LL Cool J got in my tits
Actress; Angelina Jolie is annoying
Phrase; We are the people
Team; Rangers
Color; there isnt one
Food; Turnip
Article of Clothing; eeeeeeh dungarees?
Author; Jordan
TV Show; Reality TV
Fictional Character; ionno
Past and Present
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? my mum
Who was the last person to IM'ed? My better half
What was the last thing you said? "ok" i think
Who was the last person you saw? My mum
When was the last time you brushed your teeth? half an hour ago
When was the last time you took a shower? This morning
When was the last time you ate? an hour ago
What did you wear yesterday? I wore jeans and a black hoody
What are you wearing now? boxers + tshirt
Who are you IM'ing now? Still her
Is your bed made? no
Are you wearing underwear? Yes
Are you wearing clothes? a tshirt and boxers
What else are you doing right now? Listening to music
What was the last book you read? The Simalirion
What was the last movie you watched? Mission Impossible 3
What was the last movie you rented? Starsky and HUtch >_<
Who was the last person you hugged? I dunno
Who was the last person you kissed? my weapons *kisses fists*
Who was the last person you fought with? my mum
Who was the last person you made up with? my mum
Who was the last person you made out with? e.e
Who was the last person you said "I Love You" to? uuh the mirror
Who was the last person who sent you a letter? UCAS
Who was the last person who sent you an email? Penis enlargement fairy
Who was the last person who sent you a package? Husband
The Perfect Mate
Are you attracted by looks or personality? Both
Hair? THere is only one hott bald chick
Hairy? no
Tall or short? shorter than me
Fat or thin? thin
Does it matter if he/she has a nice car? no
Lots of money? no
Intelligence? Yes
Sense of humor? Yes. Like mine
Style? yea nothing too extreme though
Interests? yeah
Skills? heh....
Physical appearance? mhmm
Children and Family
Do you plan on having children? Im gonna end up with one without planning to probably
What will you name the girls? I dunno ill just label them my property
What will you name the boys? Chris Jr
What do you imagine they'll look like? Me + wife duh
Where will you live? By the river on Naboo
What will your house be like? Fantastic
What kind of job will you have? Jedi
Leftovers & Weird Stuff
What are your hobbies? x-x
Do you have any crushes? yea
Are you a Stalker? no
What is your shoe size? 10
Can you lick your elbow? no
Can you put your leg(s) behind your head? no
What is your favorite smell? perfume ^_^
Who shot the Sheriff? Bob Marley
Do you have anything to declare? no
Are you tired of answering questions? yes
Is this the longest survey you've ever taken? maybe
Is this the end? yup
Today was a real bad day. It doesnt seem like things are gonna get any better soon x.x