You know, this Max Cardio Conditioning is starting to grow on me. I never thought I would say that. I actually look forward to the cardio days more than the interval days. There are more breaks with the interval days, but with the cardio days there isn't the repetition of having to do set after set of the same routines.
I still don't like Cardio Abs, though. At one point in one of the C sit routines, my entire body just starts shaking. I definitely won't weep for the demise of the C sit and plank positions, despite how effective both exercises are.
I would say the worst thing about this final week is having to do these workouts with two knees that aren't 100%. Since these workouts are total body workouts, weak knees are a definite momentum killer. I think my theory of performing these jump routines safely and not worrying about the quantity of jumps is the right way to go. I focused on making sure I performed the jumps correctly. I didn't care about how many jumps I had to do. At this point, I just want to make it through this program without any major injuries.
Tomorrow is my final Max Interval Circuit day. Despite the knees, I've actually been feeling better with this workout. I hope that feeling continues.
59 days down, 5 more to go.