
Aug 07, 2006 22:46

I am so excited. I upgraded my LJ account to Plus, which sounds like a dumb thing to be excited about. Well actually it is dumb. Anyway, when you have a plus account, you can make your own emotion icons!! So mine are now Project Runway themed! I swear, I worked on them for at least 2 1/2 hours, but I'm very happy with the results. I didn't ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

thedindaniel August 11 2006, 09:03:05 UTC
dude, i just realized what your mood icon was and jen, sara and i love michael the best too. good choice.


uclatinkerbell August 11 2006, 13:12:22 UTC
Wow, I'm surprised you watch Project Runway! Dustin watches it too, when I force him. I like Michael, Allison, and Kayne. Oh and I loved Bradley too, but just because he was funny; his designs were horrible. I hate Laura, the guy with the tattoos, and Angela of course. God, I love that show.


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