(no subject)

May 25, 2010 11:18

Who: Buffy, Faith, Dawn, Spike, Willow?, Giles?, Wes?, Angel?
When: Right after this post with Scoobs/Angel and this post with Faith/Spike/Dawn.
Where: Around Angel's office
Status: Incomplete

Although Buffy had firmly marched out of Angel's office, knowing she left her friends (and Wesley since he's not exactly in that category) completely bewildered, she went into sneaky Slayer mode, so she wouldn't quite so literally bump into Faith and Dawn.

She moved down the stairs towards the door, opening it slowly and carefully. She didn't see anyone in the immediate vicinity, which meant she had missed them, they were already inside, or they were still making their way over to her. She swallowed hard and stepped out of the office building, moving around to hide herself in the shadow of the alley, which was also deserted.

After a few moments, she heard the familiar clunk of boots and hushed voices coming nearer. And soon three figures passed her and in the glow of the streetlight, it was unmistakable that they were Faith, her sister, and…."Spike?" she breathed out, covering her mouth. She hadn't wanted to reveal herself quite so soon, but as she could tell they were heading to Angel's office building to do who-knows-what, now was as good a time as any.

She stepped out of the shadows and stood with her arms folded, "If you're going up there to find Angel, you'll be sorry to know his appointments for mass murdering psychopaths are all filled up for the night." Okay, so she didn't exactly start out light, but she knew it would get all of their attentions. And it could really apply to both Faith and Spike. Plus, she was convinced Faith remembered everything and coddling her would do no good. Being on the offensive was the only way to get to her; the rogue slayer just couldn't resist defending herself and even more, she couldn't resist a rough and tumble with Buffy.

willow, angel, buffy, faith, spike, giles, wesley

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