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Name: Kane, George Jr.
Sex: Male
Age: 12
D.O.B.: May 15
Blood Type: B
Height: 4'7"/140cm
Weight: 8/4lbs/38kg
Hair: Red (dyed, hair originally blonde)
Eyes: Blue
Birthplace: Cambridge, Massachusetts
Nationality: American
Family History: Oldest of four known children; lives with his father, Dr. George Kane, twin Alan, and half-brother Nigel. His mother, Elle, left with George's sister Cynthia when he was 4.
Medical History: The patient has suffered in the past from occasional grade 3 heart murmurs, though various tests have shown no signs of any heart disease. George is otherwise physically sturdy and has not contracted any major illnesses. He was taken to the emergency room at age 11 for self-inflicted injuries to his right hand, leaving him with a scar in the shape of the number '666'. George also pierced his own ear at this age.
The patient was taken to the hospital again at age 12, suffering near catatonia after Dr. Kane was shot. The hospital was able to stabilize him, but he had some deeply-set delusions as a result (he believed that he was from a "space colony" and that he and his brothers had been specially born as weapons, among others). This did not subside, and George became even more insistent upon it. Dr. Kane was incapacitated at the time and his mother was unreachable, so the hospital made the decision to admit him to Landel's Institute, in hopes of a full recovery.
Current Status: Upon entry to Landel's, George's behavior seemed to improve dramatically. The patient was willingly social with many other patients. He has been argumentative with nurses, but has not needed sedation. He had one therapy session with Dr. Burroughs, though he was still insistent upon his delusions. There was no sign of an explosive temper for the first week. At the beginning of his second week, Alan and Nigel were both placed under Landel's care, and George has since begun to go into regression, becoming more outwardly angry and even calling himself by a different name. There has been discussion of transferring him to a different institution for the sake of his own mental health.
Life History: (NOT a part of actual patient file)
George, Jr. was born a conjoined twin and the eldest son of Dr. George Kane. Upon learning that he'd had multiple affairs, the twins' mother divorced Dr. Kane, leaving him to care for the twins on his own and taking their sister Cynthia with her. The twins were very close and affectionate in their younger years, though they started fighting more as they got older, usually resulting in physical violence on George's end. Nigel was raised by his mother until she met an unfortunate end, and was adopted into the Kane family at the age of 10. Dr. Kane put his job as a researcher first, and the children were mostly left to their own devices. As a result, George and his siblings didn't know how to deal with each other well. His temper often got out of control during arguments with his brothers, leading to further violent behavior, but the household still had some sort of chaotic harmony to it.
It was during this time that the boys decided to signify their bond as brothers by carving numbers into their palms. Dr. Kane took them to the emergency room, but was unable to prevent their wounds from leaving scars. Around this time he also began dying his hair to the red he currently has, signifying what was more or less a rebellious phase, and pierced his own ear using a sewing needle, ice cube, and potato.
Dr. Moses Taylor was a coworker of Dr. Kane's in a similar position: his wife divorced him, leaving him to care for one of their two daughters, Cerise. The two researchers thought that it would be better if they introduced their children to each other, rather than let them grow up separate while neither father was around often. George cared for Cerise, developing a crush on and feeling very protective of her, but Cerise's introduction to the boys-- along with some leftover resentment of Nigel on Alan's part-- was the catalyst that finally drove a wedge into the family.
The twins fought constantly, while Nigel grew increasingly depressed, until he finally picked up a gun that Dr. Kane had lying around the house and shot his father. George, unable to handle the situation, ran away from home. He was outwardly traumatized when finally found, practically catatonic, and began speaking as if he lived in a science fiction movie once that subsided. He was placed in Landel's Institute for recuperation.