Peter broke up with me on Halloween. Val had her 17th birthday. I like 2 people. 1 person likes me (but I could never date them..) Thanksgiving is coming up ALREADY?! My birthday is in 23 days..gonna be the big 18! That's the summary. :)
Yesterday was great. Today was okay, until about 8. I screwed up. Almost costed me a relationship...probably did for all I know. The big word is..c-o-m-m-u-n-i-c-a-t-i-o-n. If you wanna know..ask me at school or something..I can't type it all out on would take a while.
I can't please anybody. I'm coming clean. I'm dating Peter again. If you don't like it, that's your opinion. I just hate being so miserable. I fricken love him why can't anyone understand? I am fricken bawling my eyes out right now. If mom wants me to move out I will.. I just want her to be happy :'(