ОтсюдаВ ЖЖшечке давно пора заставить всех принудительно анкету заполнять, пунктов эдак из ста, оценивая свою позицию в баллах (2,1,0,-1,-2) по шкалам
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There's is an amount of sources stating there's an industry-wide movement into "semantisation" of Web. I'd like to tell you (in case you don't know it yet) that's just a blatant lie
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TIL that Ubuntu 13.10 is not a target for GHC. There's just no way to install it without removing half of the system libraries. At least, no easy way. Though I've successfully installed it in a few clicks via Haskell Platform in a Windows under VM. So, beware: there're potentailly only 3 good Linux distribs: NixOS, ArchLinux, Gentoo. It's damn
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There's an annoying problem in PHP, JS and other languages with OOP and lambda functions: this keyword in a lambda defined in some method. Lambda function's scope differs from method's scope: there's just no this. Even worse, methods and fields may be declared private in PHP, so if we somehow pass this into lambda function, we still won't be able
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