Fic: Wet, Wetter, Fun (NC-17)

Jan 14, 2011 06:52

Title: Wet, Wetter, Fun
Author: Ria
Rating: NC-17 / MA
Fandom: CSI / The Closer
Pairing: Catherine Willows/Sharon Raydor
Summary: After a stressful day, the ladies unwind in a tub. PWP. Set in a CSI AU in which Cath took over the casino at some point after her father’s death.
Disclaimer: Characters are property of Anthony E. Zuiker/CBS and ( Read more... )

crossover, series: csi, fic: the closer, series: the closer, fic, pairing: willows/raydor, fic: csi

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Comments 35

sira01 January 14 2011, 07:02:23 UTC
I love this story! No need to deny it.
It's warm, affectionate, sensual and features my current OTP.
Thank you so much for this treat! It still makes me smile... a LOT.
And just btw., I don't think I'll ever look at any tub the same. *lol*


ufp13 January 14 2011, 07:15:51 UTC
Well, you requested it, I deliver. That's how these exchanges work, isn't it? ;)
However, I'm glad the result actually meets with your approval. :D


sira01 January 14 2011, 07:27:39 UTC
Awwwwwwww... :D And it more than meets my approval. *gg*
And well... yes, this is how these exchanges work, and I really promise to finish yours this year. (does that sound bad, or what?)


ufp13 January 14 2011, 07:38:33 UTC
Well, depending on how long it takes ya, I might even have a Spring Fling wish already - namely that story. *LOL*


oparu January 14 2011, 23:49:34 UTC
wow...*drools contentedly* this is fantastic!! I love Sharon Raydor and the idea of her having such kinky adventures is amazing.

Thanks for sharing. :)


ufp13 January 15 2011, 05:23:59 UTC
Thank you! Relieved Happy to hear you enjoyed it. :)

And yeah, Sharon Raydor is a great character. I really wish I liked the series a bit more. :-/


oparu January 15 2011, 15:41:12 UTC
awww, sad!! I adore the Closer, but I can see how it would be love hate. I loved loved loved the most recent Christmas episode. Raydor and Brenda's mum were fabulous.


ufp13 January 15 2011, 16:12:23 UTC
I tried, I really tried. I did watch the series, after all. But Brenda is srsly annoying me. Her inability to organise her life, her way of going over people's head and bending rules to fit her... just pisses me off. I can't help myself. She goes against my very nature. :-S
However, I have to agree, the Christmas episode(s) was/were great. Might have something to do with Brenda not behaving overly like her usual annoying self. *lol*


veryneatm0nster January 15 2011, 06:10:09 UTC


ufp13 January 15 2011, 06:29:27 UTC
*LOL* Glad it meets with your approval. ^^


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