Dominique, my loverly dominique we have soo much fun and i hope we can continue our friendship with split leaps in dance one of our new neighbor buddies!!!
Sami, we have soo much fun also... i love talking with u and "listening to the gossip." I think we will definetly become closer....
Maya, i know we havent hung out too much but enough to know how we will become...
Golnar, one of my favoritest persons in the world.... i love ur sense of style and how we laugh and have too much fun together. we need to get together sometime!
Ally, u r soo funny.i love u. u make me laugh soo much sometimes. plans soon.
Chelsea, HAHA, now u make me laugh with the faces u make and the way u always laugh with me i have the best time and makes me forget all of my worries... never change.
Katie, i love u soo much u should've been the first one on this list.... we have soo much fun if its with my first fish nillie who may R.I.P./ or it may be with the long car rides to the bowling tournaments... i know our friendship will last forever because i we havent fought ever and its gonna stay that way.
Audrey, wow we might not hang out much but i know i love u and i always will we need to get together plzzzzz
i've known u almost my life and i know we will continue our frienships.. Sarah M, Sarah A, and CJ-:- haha wowie we've like been friends forever.... we have soo much fun begging to have sleepovers everytime we get togther.... BFFAE!!!!
And to everyone else.. im sorry... thank u soo much for being there for me threw w/e it may be..