today i learned how to use AIM at work.but go figure, everyones away.
i dont know if i'll have a job much longer, rent goes up 8x so that means sell more, but we arent which means, everyone come buy a dog tag or a picture, if i know you ill hook you up just because i am making a sale. if rentsnot paid by friday, bye bye celebrity images and more.this job is saddening, all i do is play games and go on the internet, sometime i peoplewatchor read. i rarely sell except on fridays.
antiflag on friday, right after giving blood im just going to die or something. today i took a nap when leah dropped me off and i woke upwith a bloody nose and a stiff neck. now my brain aches and i want to vomit. thats life. bleeding and vomiting. i really enjoyed yelling "get back in your cage" to the freshmen trying to escape while the power went out. diet mountain dew tastes like dog water. i stole Speak from my english classroom and its kind of strange, i'll either like it or hate it. the onion girl was amazing, i miss it already. i plan on reading the story of jilly and geordie next. geeked.
sorry im rambling
just to piss mike off,
mike delgado in a skirt