He's been really busy lately. Like a bee. His company just hired a new programmer and there have been some other changes there too. Good changes, but they just keep him occupied. He worked from home on Wed. - but I didn't even see him 'til about 5:30.
Some people from our Bible Study are wanting to go to a Tides game about the second weekend of August (you've met some of 'em already at Raven's Croft). We're trying to scrounge up some cheap or free tickets. Would you be interested? If we can get free tickets then we might actually be able to afford a soda also.
Nate's company gives employees 4 tickets a year so he's going to try to cajole some from people that don't use them. Keep that weekend open - maybe we can carpool and get some dinner or something before or after. It'll be good times. ::insert Good Times theme music here::
Comments 4
ps. where has mr. klaviman been lately? havent seen him online, and his journal has been silent.....
Some people from our Bible Study are wanting to go to a Tides game about the second weekend of August (you've met some of 'em already at Raven's Croft). We're trying to scrounge up some cheap or free tickets. Would you be interested? If we can get free tickets then we might actually be able to afford a soda also.
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