I am so proud of myself!!!

Jun 23, 2010 01:40

I have never been rude to people, it is just something my parents instilled in me ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

i_ofthemourning June 23 2010, 06:48:10 UTC
OMFG! you have to be kidding right? she didnt actually say all this to you?!?!?!? Thats just utterly disgusting behaviour! See this is what gets me with people like that, who is she to judge you on how you live your life? who is she to dictacte what YOUR PERSONAL beliefs and actions should be? Shes got no right!

You know maybe shes acting this way because shes so jealous of your happiness and connection with Joe? is that a possibility? If she plays up at all after this then I would take all visitation rights away from her to see Elijah and cut all contact with her. No one should be allowed to have that much of an effect to cause anxiety attacks and stop eating! You dont need that type of toxic relationship in your life or in Elijahs or Joes... and she shouldnt be rewarded by being allowed to be apart of your life for her bad behaviour!

*huggles tight* Keep your chin up and sending lots of good energy your way!!!!


uglybracelets June 23 2010, 07:00:08 UTC
I wish I was joking. And its funny.. My mom and dad, who have been married for over 25 years, got married just over a year after my sister's first birthday. She had a regular wedding.

When I told her what Patty said she kinda looked like she was gonna jump the woman the moment she saw her.

She, I guess, believes that she has the moral high road because she is a Catholic, and I am an atheist. I must be morally corrupt, ya know, because I had sex out of wedlock, got knocked up, and I was dating Joe while he was in the separation period of his previous marriage (Another story she had shitty things to say about).


i_ofthemourning June 23 2010, 07:22:51 UTC
oh gods! she sounds exactly like my catholic parents and siblings! ( whom are still abusing me for being pagan, unmarried with kids, with a man thats also pagan, and not baptising my son...which i will NEVER do) Its gotten so bad my brother moved to my state so that he could convert us back to catholicism -_-
grrrrrrrr so much for tolerance of people. WHat is their deal with guilt tripping anyone thats different from them??? you have my full sympathies and the only thing that worked in our case was, completely cutting them off,changing phone numbers and email addresses and threatening to get a restraining order if they came anywhere near us with their craziness!

I wish ppl would let others live their lives the way they want to ... if we all go to hell then shouldnt that be our problem WHEN we get to that time? ( and from the sounds of it since most of the ppl i love and care about would be deemed to be only worthy of hell...doesnt that mean all the fun ppl and ppl you wanna be around will be there??? ) XD



eighthcloud June 23 2010, 09:11:17 UTC
Because obviously Catholics are the end all be all of morality.

*looks at priests*


sonadora9 June 24 2010, 19:39:16 UTC
... for the record, not all Catholics are totally nuts like that.

I'm Catholic too, and ... gah. Catholics like that irritate me 'cause the people that assume all Catholics are judgmental and condescending and blah blah blah horrible people -- well, it's cause they've met the worst of them.

I'm sorry you have to deal with that. Hopefully she listens to David and tries not to be such an insensitive and awful "well-intentioned" bitch.


uglybracelets June 24 2010, 19:50:51 UTC
I don't lump all Catholic's in the category with her. I have met some really reasonable and respectable Catholics.

She has literally said that she has a more moraled and value-based life than I do because I am not religious, and she is Catholic.


sonadora9 June 24 2010, 20:58:37 UTC
Oh, sorry, I wasn't trying to say that you, specifically, lump all Catholics together as nutjobs. I read the other comments on your post, too, and ... yeah. There are some people out there like that (some people who have that attitude toward Christians at large, in general) -- it just irks me when people use one example of a loon of sorts and make it the face of the entire group ( ... )


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