...it's hard to believe.
These were some tough months. My condition got worse, I ended up in hospitals twice and have just returned from a hospital for the third time. I also have a feeling that I may have forgotten something that I had promised to do for someone here on LJ. :( I'm not sure I'm really back either, the situation with my health (and work) is still unclear. But since I am at home now, I thought I'd at least post the art that had accumulated during these months.
But first I want to say one thing, and I apologise in advance for the... harshness? But I really don't know how else to phrase this.
I share my wallpapers on the condition that you only use them on your desktop, and that you do not edit them.
You don't like the color or disagree with the fact that there is a watermark? Do not take the wallpaper. Make your own, with no annoying watermarks or rules attached. It took me a decade to learn; but it may take you less, I suppose. (Why yes, I am being sarcastic. Because making something pretty takes labour, even if it's just a wallpaper, and when you claim it doesn't, we both know you are simply trying to devaluate my work to appear less of a jerk.)
I tried being very polite and understanding of the people who don't know better. But it seems that many do know better - they just choose not to care.
And one of the reasons I haven't updated for this long is that I had no desire to share my art anymore, not on LJ. The consumerism and disrespect are too discouraging, and it is not what I came in the fandom for. I feel I'd rather spend my time on something nice, especially now when my RL situation is rough. But I decided to give it one more try and see how it goes.
So, once more: If you take my work - please, respect my rules. Thank you.