My wrist continues to improve.
So is the ear infection (left ear) I developed this Thursday. I swear if it isn't one thing it's another.
I hate to sound like a broken record but all I did this weekend is study, read a book and take an exercise walk. I tried to study outdoors in the morning. The air was refreshing but it was just a little too cold, even with gloves on.
During the week I looked into summer classes. VSU has two summer sessions with courses that last just 4.5 weeks. My advisor said if I'm not working I could take two, but I don't think so. The way college works is like this. You take the number of class hours you have, multiply that by 3 (or 4) and add that to the inclass hours. That's the total hours you should spend studying. Well, summer courses are 2 hours long, five days a week. That's ten hours. Ten times three is 30. Thirty plus ten is forty hours right there! For one class. I'll be taking just one course each summer session. They will mostly like be Calculus II and C++ programming.