Still pluggin away
We're getting into higher differentials, and differential equations in Calc I. I'm still woozy from those darned Derivitives of Trig Functions and the Chain Rule. (Quotient Rule, anyone? No? Me either, I much prefer the Product Rule.)
I'm enjoying learning C++. I spent an hour or two tonight writing and tweaking and documenting a simple program that calculates time and fuel cost to drive from Richmond to New York. Learning how to work with and manipulated intergers and floating point numbers is a challenge.
Today in Physics class an old school buddy of our professor gave a presentation on the "magnetic moment of the Muon." Dr. Roberts, from Boston U, elaborated on the experiment that he lead that put into serious doubt the present theories of subatomic particles and interaction. It took an amazing 17 years from start to finish. (Mostly due to finding money, building the enormous containment circular magnet, then it took a year or two just to analyse the data, then another to get it published in a prestigous journal). He made it fairly easy to understand. If the results from this experiment stand up to repeated experiments, there will be a need to find new ways to explain the discripencies. One explaination he mentioned was supersymetry. Here's a link that briefly summarizes the experiment. One of my classmates had to bring Jesus into it. This was the same dude who somehow started preach Jesus to professors Stronach in Physics the first day. UGH. He had been talking with Dr Roberts for five minutes before I walked over to ask a question and there he is, debating metaphysics with our guest Phsyics lecturer. Stick to the subject, would you!
Oh, also, two of my classmates decided to catch up on sleep while the lecture was going on. They were seated right behind me, in the second row! lol. I swear.
I'm going to have to alter my summer class plans. My computer science teacher pointed out that there needs to be 9 other students also taking C++ in the summer to activate that course. Fat chance. The computer science department is much too small for that. So, instead I'll be taking Advanced Communications, a 300 level general requirement course focusing on expository writing. Fine by me. I have to take it. I also need to talk Personal Health, but no one has signed up for that either. Fortunately, several people have already signed up for Calculus II, so I'll be able to take that like I was planning.