So I’ve been writing a block comparison paper on computer science occupations most of the weekend.
I’ve also been doing end-of-chapter programming assignments. I did an exercise walk and calisthenics today. I continue to feel healthy, although I had a diebetic-like episode yetersday afternoon because I ate too many raisins.
The results are finally in for the Secretor Blood Test I took three weeks ago. Until last Friday, I was relying on the favorable odds that I was a Secretor Blood Type. Not so. I am officially a B Nonsecretor, which is an even rarer blood type than before. Nonsecretors only represent 20% of any blood type. And B's only represent about 11%.
Here are most of the changes to my diet because of this revelation:
1) Garlic, Onions, Ginger are all good for me. Now I have an excuse for the raw garlic I eat everyday. (But obviously this does not bode well for my social life)
2) Ghee/Clarified butter is beneficial for me. (I’m going to try to make some soon)
2) As a nonsecretor, I must watch how much high glucose fruits I consume. (Which is why those raisins wacked me yesterday) All forms of processed sugar are bad for my blood type.
4) Calf’s liver is good for me (I love liver and onions! Yeah, haw! Now if I can just find some. Adult cow liver is a no-no. Only Calf’s liver.)
5) Besides Olive Oil, Walnut, Black Currant Seed and Flax Seed oils are all beneficial for me.
6) Red and White Wines are good for me. I am supposed to drink some now and then for cardiovascular health. (This is not true for most Secretor blood types, which was why I’d stopped drinking wine.)
7) There are no beneficial beans for my blood type, but I can eat the occasional lima, kidney, or navy bean. (Can’t say I’ll miss them much)
8) I must reduce the amount of grains I consume, and some grains are no longer beneficial for me. Millet and Rice are still good as gold. Oats and Spelt are now neutral choices. Wheat and all its derivations are bad for me (But this I already knew)
9) Because my blood type has difficulty absorbing protein and calcium, I need to eat more protein and calcium rich foods.
10) A whole slew of berries are beneficial for me as a B nonsecretor: Raspberry, Blackberry, Blueberry, Elderberry, Boysenberry, Red/Black Currants. All cherries are also beneficial. They don’t list Mulberries, but I’m sure research would prove they’re good for me. (Sigh, I miss my mulberry tree. It's producing fruit right now!)
11) I don’t know what Agar is but I’m suppose to avoid it.
12) All potatoes except Sweet Potatoes and Yams are bad for me.
13) Okra is beneficial (I love raw and pickled Okra)
14) The spice Oregano is beneficial for me. (Curry, Licorice Root, and Parsley were already on the list)
15) Besides Black Walnuts, English Walnuts are beneficial for me.
16) Soy milk has moved from an avoid to a neutral. But soy beans and all other soy products are an avoid.
17) Salmon is no longer a beneficial, but I’m still allowed to eat it. Sardines, which I eat 4 or 5 times a week, are still good for me. One random addition to the beneficial fish list: Carp is good for me.
18) Cottage cheese is no longer beneficial for me, just neutral. Yogurt and Kefir are still beneficial. So is Feta, Farmer, Mozzarella, Paneer, and Ricotta Cheese. There’s a whole list of cheeses I must avoid as a nonsecretor. I’ve been avoiding them all along because consciously or not I’ve been aware they’re bad for me. The complete list includes: American, Blue, String, Camembert, Cheddar, Colby, Emmenthal, Jarlsberg, Monterey jack, Munster, Provolone and the dreaded Swiss Cheese (which binds me up tighter than a Boa Constrictor).
19) Whey is a beneficial. So is Goats Milk. Cow’s milk is just a neutral.
20) The only sweetener that was good for me as a Secretor is still good for me as a Nonsecretorss: Blackstrap Molasses
All this talk of food has made me hungry.