SARA!!!wow!!! i love u to death!!! u r one of my best friends!!! ur so sweet, and you r lik gorgeous!!!! and i love how i can talk to u bout stuff .. we have had tons of great memories... from the mission trip and swim team... and the pool!!! lol and many more!!!! idk wut i would do w/o u!!!!!! love u!!! ♥
OMG!!!! where do i begin!!!!!!! umm ok wow u r such a great person u r so much fun to hang out and u r deffinaly funny!!!! u r so gorgeous!!!!! and when we get together we lik laugh most of the time!!!!! i know u tht i can trust u and u can always trust me!!!!! now w/ the memories... gah idk where to start w/ them... lol.... umm i guess ill start in gatlinburg..... wow tht has got to be one of the most fun vacations i have been on!!! i remember the first night we tried so hard to stay up until u got there and u got there and i was lik the only one up!! and cmae to the window and waved then went to bed... lol... and lik everyone else was asleep!!! and then the next mornin we got up and came and got u and we went shoppin!!!!! wow tht was lots of fun!!!! and then we came back and tht night was freakin insane... "wut happens in g'burg stays in g'burg" lol!!!!! and tht will stay the same for when we go back!!!!! lol ... tht night was good and bad.. but oh well still tons of fun .. the ride home was fun to ..... then this summer.... gah ok
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OMG!!! idk where to even begin... ok i remember lik in 7th grade we lik didnt lik each otehr at all!!! lol and now look at us!!! gahh i ahve so many memories lik i remember the first time we really ever did sumthin was lik jess's b'dayu party and then after we went out to eat and my mom was lik drunk lol... and we had lik root beer in a bottle.. lol then last year w/ football everyday we had a memory... sum of my favortie was during fall break and all the games and sittin in lowerys car listenin to music and palyin in the rain!!!!and then tenn. when we wnet to see ur family at christmas.. tht was lik so much fun... and then all of our phone convos!!!!! the serious and funny ... and eatin lunch ... and then omg the golf cart...lik everytime i drive it sumthin bad happens!!!the first time i stopped at a stop sign and it cut off and we had to push it back and i thought i saw a dog and we lik jumped in the golf cart and lik tried to start it adn it turned out it was a shadow on the road!! lol and then when i almost ran into the electric
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love u!!!
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