then ask me what it's like to have myself so figured out..
i have no idea where my future is going.
i can't wait to go to salisbury: the closest instate university to the beach..without an architecture major.
so what does that mean?
i have been destined to be an architect since i was six. i drew sketches of my dream houses [windows, doors, demensions, the whole nine yards.] on my dad's huge drawing table. i was sure i would go to college, get my masters, then join a huge firm, make tons of money while designing my next beach house. it's the only career i can look into the future and see myself actually enjoying.
so, going to salisbury means, i could either dual major in physics/engineering.. which would leave me struggling to get 150 credits, for five+ years, then another three for my masters. or i could go elsewhere.
i wish it was as easy as picking another destination. if i could only throw a dart aimlessly at a map full of colleges. as of right now, it just isn't an option. i have this deep-seeded need to go to salisbury. i know it's beacuse i'm so sick of people asking where i'm headed. i get the same fucking response every fucking time i tell them that i'm going to the beach no matter how hard it is to get there.
"hah. i wanted to do the same thing when i was your age. now look where i am. another day in paradise [columbia, md.]"
well, fuck that. i refuse to live the rest of my life regretting a decision i made based on somewhere i truely wanted to go.
on top of this stupid "future" bull shit.. i feel the need to correct other peoples' mistakes before they make them. i really wish i could fix things for her, before they need to be fixed.
i am really just venting.
so no need to lecture me
on keeping my complaints to myself.
to be completely honest, i don't even remember what i wrote.
it just felt good to get it all out.