(no subject)

Sep 09, 2005 16:02

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1) One thing you can't stand about blitzen1232? he never calls me dumbass!
2) Where was dark_pixie05 born? ??muskegon
3) What exotic animal would thehuss18 like as a pet? parrot
4) What would ghettok2 do differently in your shoes? be a better cashier hah
5) Would endthispain go out with allthis4justu? helll no
6) Have you ever dated blitzen1232? no lol
7) What rank would demgirls05 have in a giant robot army? idk
8) What is ovtennisgurlie's favorite movie? ??
9) Does bradsgrl do drugs? i dont think so lol
10) Is thehuss18 popular? i think so
11) Would you make out with blitzen1232? lol maybee....
12) How many monkeys could lilmix05 fight at once and win against? 1500
13) Do you have a crush on justjoe1988? nope
14) When did you last call sexilips217? never
15) Does ghettok2 travel a lot? sure
16) If lilsweetie1742 and sweetgrl299 were spliced together, what would it be like? Tifaysey
17) Would matthewcobb88 and honneelovesandy look good together? hah id could see it
18) What song/movie would you recommend to uhhwhatwasthat? umm its me!
19) Have you flirted with matthewcobb88? umm no
20) How long would lizardpostal421 dating blitzen1232 last? hah not long at all
21) Is cpeterson8 your best friend? no but shes awesome
22) What is beachbummin567's favorite color? orange?
23) Is allthis4justu a college student? use to be i think
24) Has cookie4730 dyed their hair? im sure she has
25) What is jadeakiss16's biggest flaw? boys
26) Is broken_monday in a relationship? yea
27) Does lizardpostal421 drink? o yea lol liz is a crazi gurl
28) Where did you first meet lilsweetie1742? school
29) Does hellokitty_gurl have a big secret? i dont think so idk`
30) What color should bradsgrl dye their hair? brown w/ blond highlights hah
31) How would sexygrl06 conquer the world? umm w/ me
32) Would you wrestle blitzen1232 in jello? id win cuz im fat
33) What would dark_pixie05 give bananamonkey543 for his/her birthday? the dont know each other
34) What mental disorder does lizardpostal421 remind you of? slowness
35) Does ghettok2 have a crush on uhhwhatwasthat? KARLA???
36) What do you disagree with designerguy9086 about? nothing
37) Is justjoe1988 dead sexy? hah no
38) Which president would matthewcobb88 be likely to idolize? bush
39) matthewcobb88's hair color? blonde
40) What would you do if bethanyhiatt died? go to her funeral and send flowers and be sad
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