A big thanks to my dear buddy
1297 for giving us a virtual gift and saying that this is one of her favorite places on the internet. I very much appreciate it; it gives me warm Holiday fuzzies.
I spoke recently (yesterday) about an upcoming challenge and this, my lovelies, is the post I told you to look out for (came sooner than you thought, didn't it?)! I do apologize to those who are not graphic makers, but if you're interested, I'm sure I could come up with something for you as well - how does a monthly prompt strike you? Comment and let me know.
Without further ado, I give you:
The Uhura/McCoy Banner Contest
What's it for?
See that empty space at the top of the layout? That space is for a banner we don't have because YOU haven't created it yet. Yes, you guessed it, this is a banner making challenge! *NOTE: If you're viewing the layout and the userpic is out of place, I contacted the maker of the layout and it will be fixed ASAP*
So I'm making a banner. Great! What are the dimensions?
The width must be 550 px and the height no larger than 355 px.
Are there any restrictions?
Aside from the size, there are no restrictions. All I ask is no racy/inappropriate/nudy things. Other than that, go wild - black and white, bright colors, quotes, animated, partially animated, patterns, textures, whatever you'd like (if animated, don't have it flashing every five seconds, please; easy on the eyes is best)!
Does the community name have to be in the banner?
No, but it can be if you'd like.
When is the deadline?
The deadline will be Friday January 15 to give everyone more than enough time to enter if they so wish.
How do I submit?
Simply reply to this post with the image and URL. Comments will be screened so all submissions will be anonymous.
Can I submit more than one entry?
Yes, but submit no more than three.
How will a winner be determined?
After the deadline (as in that night or the next day), a poll will be made. The poll will be up for two weeks and after that the winner will be determined. DO NOT vote for yourself when the time comes. You may encourage friends to vote, but please don't ask them to vote for you specifically. Allow them to choose their favorite of the bunch.
I have a question about something that wasn't covered.
Post a comment here and I will answer it as soon as I can!
memories @ dj_capslock TOSmemories @ dj_capslcck Rebootmemories @ cap_it TOS (and other series)
memories @ cap_it Reboot Have fun!