Apr 06, 2011 22:59
can barely
muster a chatty
Feb 04, 2011 18:33
groundhog day
the day doesn't
have the oomph
I used to think
deserved a blockbuster
feature film starring
Bill Murray &
Andie McDowell
though as seasons
pass deserved
becomes less & less
a word I'm after
stuck watching
the shadows stretch
Nov 18, 2010 23:03
as your eyes are
better is the time
for these minor
variants arrived
at having thought
earlier during work
how the law prompts
imagination or
should meaning
not the law should
but we should
be so prompted
to notice the nasty
appreciably different
than difficult &
apply ourselves
with vigor to
teasing loose a
few increasingly
Nov 05, 2010 21:46
I am like all my work
a hopeless romantic
dressed as a pirate
for halloween readings
the limit of two each
I find offensive but
that's just an example
how hopeless my
romanticism goes
Aug 18, 2010 22:14
faced with mystery
ingredients & a time limit
the reality chef sweats
in the food fears getting
sent home judged
not enough salt
Jul 11, 2010 22:03
the same boring afternoon
she tries a fried
slice of watermelon
my grandma phones
just to say
her William Carlos
Williams impression
May 09, 2010 22:06
aiming to duplicate the experience
a freshman in the checkout line at college
bookstore picking up a copy of LUNCH POEMS
abandoned on the alumni mugs display
& open to Lana Turner Has Collapsed
which I read rather smug the idea
that this kinda thing is worthy of study
Apr 29, 2010 22:53
apparently a pattern
here I am back talking
whenever ineffective
which I've been told be
fore is no way to talk