What's this? Uji is actually uploading some sims? Oh shit son, better alert the media.
I picked poison c, which is five sims.
My first prompt was alien, which gave strange mutant birth to Angeliq.
Angeliq is from Starstsyem C, Planet 156 on Earth for a top secret mission from the Pollination Technician himself. To collect the data stored inside of the offspring spawned on Earth, she has to blend in with the general population and extract the data from their cerebral cortex. Human sims wear full facepaint in relation to religious days from a specific geological location on a daily basis, right? Of course they do! So she will have no problem with blending in entirely with her bright mint green hair, full face paint and inverted skintone. No problem at all...
CC listDOWNLOAD ANGELIQ The second prompt I chose was cosmetic, which lead to Minatsuki Nakagawa.
Don't tell this neo-ganguro girl that ganguro was last century-she fits the stereotype too well to do anything else. She's lazy and bleached-blonde, overbaked from many many hours in the tanning bed, and wearing half her weight in makeup on a "light" day, not to mention loud and mssy. Anything anyone tells her that isn't what she wants to hear and doesn't support her opinions falls upon deaf ears. She has no interest in "haters", even if all they're trying to do is make her seem less fake.
CC list part 1CC list part 2DOWNLOAD MINATSUKI NAKAGAWA The third prompt was critic, which Keisuke Uminari was spawned from.
Keisuke's passionate about two things in life-macarons and sunfish. Everything else need not apply-even lovers. He criticizes anything and everything that doesn't fit perfectly with his ideals and he's been through three major relationships that ended in a firestorm over it. The first wanted children, which in his opinion are life ruining hellspawn that smell up the house and destroy everything. The second required attention and love, and the third was messy, cooked everything he ever asked for, made macarons that would make a French pastry chef green with envy, and wanted to hear him say that he loved him. Now he lives alone with his enormous saltwater fishtank, where he's free to criticize everything in peace with his small school of clownfish.
CC listDOWNLOAD KEISUKE UMINARI The fourth prompt was monster, and Hel came in mind immediately.
Hel is the result of Loki and Angrboða, and Fenrir and Jörmungandr are her brothers from the same parents. She was raised in Jötunheimr, but when Odin discovered this, he threw her into one of the three roots of Yggdrasil and became the resident ruler of the realm of the same name where people go when they die according to Norse mythology. She is downcast and shy, along with gloomy. She's described as having skin that is half black and half flesh colored, and being fierce looking. She also had a large part in Baldur's death.
CC listDOWNLOAD HEL When it came to the fifth prompt, trickster, anyone that knows me knows who I instantly thought of. My last offering to the challenge is Loki, the Norse god of mischief [and fire according to some sources].
Loki is the very definition of a troll. No one's quite sure if he's a jötunn or a god, what his name means, or how the gods felt about him. Sometimes he was useful, but after orchestrating the death of Baldur, and that one time where he showed up in Ægir's hall and engaged in one long roasting of one goddess after the other, everyone wanted his pretty little head. It doesn't help that when he left, he told Ægir that he will never hold a feast because everything he owns will burn. He turned into a salmon and hid under a waterfall, but the gods caught him with a net he left discarded and bound him with the intestines of his son Narfi, where he's trapped until the beginning of Ragnarok. His wife Sigyn holds a bowl over his face so that the snake that was tied over his face that drips poison by Skaði drips into the bowl and not into his eyes. Sometimes the bowl fills, and she has to leave, so the poison is free to get directly into his eyes, and the pain is so terrible that he convulses and that is how the Norse explained earthquakes. Please note that this is my interpretation of what he would look like, and no uneven sword-trimmed hair exist yet for TS2 that I've found, so he got this stylish ponytail instead.
CC listDOWNLOAD LOKIPlease refer to my TOU on usage for these sims. Enjoy~