So about 6 and a half weeks ago, Braxton Hicks contractions stopped and early labour moving-things-around contractions started. And 4 and a half weeks ago things ramped up to the point that my midwife thought I might have the baby any day now, but no, it just TOTALLY shifted position, moved ALL my internal organs around, and got started on being, um, effacing. Not self-effacing, me and my uterus aren't into that, we're proud, us, but effacing.
And a few days ago - half a week? probably, if I'm dealing in half-weeks - I started the whole show process, with what appears to be the mucus plug and clear pink fluid coming out in dribs and drabs. Along with this is more cervical stabbing pain, and nastier contractions. So something might happen soon.
48 hours of contractions every 15 minutes or so. Now up to, um, what's 48 plus 12? I can't do sums any more. I've had about 10 hours sleep, not all in one go, since the 15-minutes thing started.
I'm still blisteringly healthy. The baby is moving in response to the contractions, and the midwife did a heartbeat check yesterday - baby's blisteringly healthy too.
But I am fucking knackered.